Task: Read the scenario and further information below and submit a written respo

Task: Read the scenario and further information below and submit a written response to the two questions posed. Please follow all submission guidelines and consult the marking rubric.
Length: 1500 words maximum (+/- 10%)
Submission: Your submission should be double-spaced in 12-pt font, in Arial or Times New Roman. You may use subheadings and should write in full paragraphs. Submit your completed assignment by 11.59pm on the due date.
John Turner, an 80-year-old Bigambul man, is brought to the emergency department (ED) by his concerned neighbour, Vandana, due to worsening symptoms of a chest infection. Mr Turner lives alone in Brisbane, and his primary caregiver is his adult niece, Emily. However, Vandana reports possible neglect and inadequate care, raising concerns about Mr Turner’s well-being. She said she recently contacted Emily when she found Mr Turner lying in his back garden after a fall. He appeared unhurt but Emily said she was too busy to take him to a doctor. On another occasion, Vandana found maggots in Mr Turner’s kitchen bin when she was cleaning up after she visited him for a cup of tea.
Upon arrival, Mr Turner appears lethargic and disoriented. He complains of persistent cough, difficulty breathing, and chest pain. His vital signs are as follows: blood pressure 140/90 mmHg, heart rate 110 bpm, respiratory rate 24/min, and oxygen saturation 89% on room air. Crackles are heard on auscultation of the lungs. You want to admit Mr Turner and start treating his infection but he appears to be confused. There is no advance health directive nor power of attorney.
Part 1 Question:  Detail and apply the law in Queensland as to John’s capacity to consent to treatment. Your discussion should consider who can make a decision if John cannot.
After admission, John’s condition continues to decline. He develops pneumonia and a serious infection that does not respond to treatment. Given his advanced age and prognosis, John is not going to survive his admission.
Part 2 Question: Referring to relevant healthcare policies, professional guidelines and scholarly literature, discuss (a) why it is important to consider Mr Turner’s identity as a Bigambul man as he nears the end of his life, and (b) what strategies might be employed in this case to provide him with culturally-safe care before and after his death.