Argument Paper Guidelines
Length: 5+ full pages (1500+ words), 12-font, double-spaced, in MLA format with a Works Cited (MLA) page (Works Cited not included in page count). All essays must have titles. Your essay should reflect careful research, thinking, and writing about your topic.
Topic: Free Speech
The final paper must contain a minimum of five sources, at least one of which must be from the textbook. The sources must be credible as reviewed in class and are an important aspect of your grade.
This essay needs to be an argument, not merely summarizing your research. It must have a clearly stated thesis in a clear introduction. Claim paragraphs are to be organized around your conclusions after having done this research, NOT simply around sources and quotations. When you introduce sources, remember to introduce the people/websites and their credentials wherever appropriate.
You are not a sponge, but a writer who is critically investigating a subject of interest. The paper can and should be interesting for anyone to read (your target audience is anyone reading at the college level).
The essay will be evaluated on: meeting the essay’s length requirements, credibility of sources, strength of argument and claims, clear writing, organization, timeliness, formal language, and original thinking.
Note: Any essay that uses detectable AI, in whole or in part, will automatically result in failure