Write an essay in which you discuss the evolution of the capitalist labour process as a distinct
social organisation of work.
• Define and describe the central concepts referring to the evolution of the capitalist labour
• Describe the social and economic conditions necessary for the transformation of the labour
process into a capitalist one.
• Describe in detail the characteristic features of a capitalist labour process.
• Evaluate the usefulness and relevance of the key concepts and the history of the capitalist
labour process to contemporary issues in the study of the labour process.
Length: about 3 000 words (about 10 typed pages, 1.5 line spacing, 2.5 cm margins).
Recommended sources to be ordered from the Library:
(1) Journal articles
Brighton Labour Process Group. 1977. The capitalist labour process. Capital and Class
1: 3–26.
Carter, B. 1995. A growing divide: Marxist class analysis and labour process. Capital and Class
55: 33-72.
(2) Books
Braverman, H. 1974. Labour and monopoly capital. London: Monthly Review Press.
Marx, K. 1976. Capital: Volume 1. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Thompson, P. 1989. The nature of work. Basingstoke: Macmillan.
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