Consider an idea for a contemporary social innovation or social enterprise start-up you
researched as part of an existing social economy from your independent
research using one or more theories studied in the course to analyze the prospects or causes
underlying its success. In discussing the idea for a contemporary start-up or existing organization,
you need to engage with one or more of the theories from the course syllabus. If you choose this
option, you only need to engage with at least two sources from the course syllabus. However, if
you choose this option, you must include at least three sources (either primary or secondary)
that pertain to an existing social economy enterprise or that you came across as part of the
literature review for the idea developed in your group project discussions. Some ideas that were
discussed in our class discussions and initial presentation of project ideas included community
land trusts, cooperatively owned or non-profit community centers, and cooperative housing
developments in Toronto. I am attaching some sources from my course that needs to be in the paper so you can choose any 2-3 relevant sources for this paper from the ones I attach below. The paper should be in a word document, double spaced, 12 pt Times Roman font with a title page and all pages numbered except for the title page. It should be 2050 words excluding bibliography.
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