1&2&3 different docs please follow APA Format and complete the work in given tim

1&2&3 different docs please follow APA Format and complete the work in given time no plagiarism-raj


Please reflect on your dissertation progress and your individual consultation.


Overview: Your dissertation topic will need to be approved by your professor and also the Graduate School by submitting a topic proposal. The topic proposal is a general sketch of the dissertation – the topic, general reasoning behind the topic, as well as a potential thesis and thesis map for your Literature Review. The topic proposal must clearly link to theory, identify what problem or gap in literature your proposed topic will address, and show a connection to program goals and core courses.

Topic:Journal Reflection: Millennials’ Adoption and Perceptions of Smart Home Technology


View Topic Approval Form Preparation Video Tutorial

Use the attached Topic Approval Form Topic Approval Form – Alternative Formats to plan your dissertation. To find your program goals, review the graduate catalog for your program.

You will submit the completed form to this assignment submission box (this submission box allows for unlimited submissions). Your instructor will provide feedback on each of your submission(s).

You will receive a grade of zero until your dissertation topic is approved by the instructor and ready for submission to the dissertation portal.

Review this video about how to use the Dissertation Portal.
Once your instructor has provided a full credit grade for your topic approval, submit your topic approval request via the Dissertation Portal ONLY after you have approval from your professor. You will receive an email response within a week of submitting the request. You will be asked to submit a copy of the approval in Week 4.


Overview: Using mentor or model texts is a strategy to improve your own writing. The New York Times describes mentor texts as, “Demystifying the writing process via examples students can learn from and emulate.” In this assignment, you will locate a mentor text in the form of a dissertation that may or may not be similar to your own topic to use as a model while you write your chapter 2. It is most helpful to find a dissertation with a literature review similar to your own, but if that is not possible, you may look for the next best option.


Use ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database on the UC Library website to locate mentor text dissertation (preferably it would be related to your topic).
You may need to use advanced search options to help narrow your search.
Scan read the entire dissertation.
Carefully read the literature review section.
Provide a one-paragraph summary of the entire literature review.
Write a second paragraph about what you learned through reviewing chapter 2.

Additional Information:

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database is accessible through the Databases link below the blue picture on the Library website. The Databases tab will access an alphabetical list of the Library databases. The dissertation database is listed twice, as Dissertations and Theses and as ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Both links access the same database. Many of the dissertations published since 1997 are available in full text with a link to the PDF.

Here is the link to the P section of the database listings https://ucumberlands.libguides.com/az.php?a=p