Gravity is a force that pulls everything towards the center of the Earth. It’s l

Gravity is a force that pulls
everything towards the center of the Earth. It’s like an invisible magnet that
keeps us and everything else grounded. When you drop something, gravity pulls
it down. This force is what gives us weight and keeps us from floating away.
Every object with mass, whether it’s a small pebble or a huge planet, creates
its own gravitational pull. The more massive an object is, the stronger its
gravitational force. That’s why Earth, being so large, has a strong pull that
keeps us firmly on the ground.
Albert Einstein offered a
different way to think about gravity. He said that massive objects like planets
and stars create curves or dents in the fabric of space and time. Imagine
placing a heavy ball on a trampoline; it creates a dip, and smaller balls will
roll towards it. Similarly, Earth makes a dent in space-time, and objects
nearby fall into this curve, which we perceive as gravity. This explains why
planets orbit the sun—they’re moving along the curved paths created by the
sun’s gravity. Besides keeping us grounded, gravity also causes tides in the
oceans, helps form stars and planets from clouds of gas and dust, and even
bends light. So, every time you see something fall, remember it’s gravity at
work, the force that holds everything together in our universe.
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