Using methods described in Melnyk and in the literature, complete an Organizational Assessment at the system level (be sure you understand what a system level is). Please explain if your system is ready for this DNP Project. How do you know?
What is the current knowledge level or experience of your: a.) department, b.) unit that the department is a part of, and c.) the overarching health system, related to EBP?
Every project requires a team. Think about your DNP Project and list the necessary members that are needed for design, implementation and evaluation. List any and all that may apply. Be sure to include what profession they represent (e.g., Nursing, Medicine, Finance, IT, etc.). Try to include those at the system level as well as the department level. Finally, share what their role will be on the project team. This can be in a list format as well. Be sure to not only list nursing professionals. You should be describing an interprofessional team, which means different disciplines are represented. Also, note if any of these team members will serve as your project champion. Refer to yourself as the Project Manager.
Will provide information on my DNP project and references, resources
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