Hello, I need a 1500 word essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The subject of the paper revolves around the Pons-Fleischmann cold fusion experiment, Pons and Fleischmann’s percieved success, their eventual failure, and the current rise of nuclear fusion today. The Lawrence Livermore National laboratory has produced at least two net positive energy fusion reactions. They were able to succeed in fusion where Pons and Fleischmann failed. I need you to write in-depth about the story of Pons-Fleishcmann and how they they failed, then I need you to transition to writing about the Lawrence Livermore fusion experimnets, how their scientists are succeeding today, and the potential for self-sustaining energy from fusion’s success. Also, by self-sustaining energy, I mean that a reaction or generator produces enough energy that it can continuously run itself with the energy it produces while still outputting energy elsewhere. I need you to include something about self-sustaining energy being seemingly possible with the Pons-Fleishmann cold fusion, until they failed. I also need you to include the potential for the Lawrence Livermore scientists fusion experiments to become self-sustaining, as each experiment they have run has produced a higher net positive energy output. I need you to use at least 6 sources, use a portion from each source in your writing, and include footnote citations with each source used. I also need you to make a bibliography and differentiate primary sources from secondary sources, but the bibliography should not be considered part of the 1500-word count.
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