A min of 10 Reliable academic sources is needed in order to validate your Manual

A min of 10 Reliable academic sources is needed in order to validate your Manual
Events Operations Manual should include the following structure:
➢ Table of Contents
Introduce your paper in a structured way that shows the flow and overall organization and gives
a clear structure to the reader. It must contain briefly:
Note – Each sections need to be written as a paragraph, table with bullets points will not be
Why of the motto & mission statement?
What is expected of you to archive?
What is your role.
➢ Main body:
C.1- Event development
In this section, you will have to begin to elaborate more, to provide context to the reader
regarding your event itself, focus on what is expected.
1. Pre- Event presentation
Use the 5 Ws to make a full description of the event you organized.
How have you generally contributed to the overall result of the event?
What is the main point in your event proposal?
2. Organizational chart (use an actual chart stating hierarchy between group members)
What is an event team? Define your understanding and reflect on how you
experienced yours.
What is your role (specific) in the event?
C.2- Department Analysis
Due to the nature of Events Operations Manual, in this section, you will have to expand the S.W.O.T
Analysis introduced before by explaining in deep the importance of each aspect of it, do not write in
bullet points, elaborate more.
Note – Each sections need to be written as a paragraph, table with bullets points will not be
S- Strength.
Analyze the positive approach of your departments to the event.
Can It be applied in a real business situation?
Define a real-life example and tie it to what discussed before
Elaborate more on the aspect of weakness to prevent.
How can prevention and backup plan assist you in and during the simulation?
In terms of negative results, how much does it affect the overall development of the
Study the difference between what was expected and what happened during the
simulation, identify the missing opportunities.
How it is important to develop a new way to turn a mistake in earnings?
When, in business, it is important to share with the others team members missing
What is the main risk in your department?
Elaborate the concept of risk against danger.
How the treats help in the development of winning strategies
C.3- After event Analysis
In this section the candidate will have to discuss the differences between what was planned and how
the actual simulation developed itself.
Compared to what has been planned how the simulation diverts from the intended path
How does an Event’s business control the outcome of the events themselves?
In this section the whole group will have to elaborate a conclusion paragraph to evaluate the
personal learning out come and compared it with the group’s one
What are the roles of the concepts of groups dynamics in the final result
How did the authors participate and what is the final reflection?
The sources of ALL appendices must be clearly indicated.
G- Drive overview
Persona templates
Pictures to illustrate the content of your report
Poster, logo
Links to the social media accounts
BEO (Event schedule)