Scenario As a leader in the student government organization on campus, you have

As a leader in the student government organization on campus, you have made a perplexing observation about group behavior: While some people refuse to conform to the group majority, others tend to defer to the general consensus, despite the fact that their beliefs may run counter to the majority opinion.
For this project, in order to address this observation, you will create a set of research notes that explain the socio-psychological factors that influence conformity to group norms. The purpose of these notes is to help your fellow group members better understand the factors that contribute to majority influence and, ultimately, enhance group collaboration within the student government organization.
You will use the Project One Template Word Document to complete this project. Using the rubric criteria listed below, you will analyze, reflect upon, and integrate the concepts that explain the impact of conformity within the group dynamic.
Part One: Analyzing the Socio-Psychological Foundations of Conformity
Analyze the socio-psychological factors that influence our tendency to conform to group pressure. In your analysis, address each of the following rubric criteria in 3 to 5 sentences:
Describe the difference between acceptance, compliance, and obedience, and provide examples of how these concepts present within the group dynamic.
Describe the difference between normative influence and informational influence, and provide examples of how these concepts impact the group dynamic.
Describe why cognitive dissonance is not always easy to recognize in ourselves.
Describe ways to reduce cognitive dissonance and shift to a state of cognitive consonance in the group setting.
Describe the factors that may impact a person’s ability or desire to deviate from the norm and choose not to conform to group pressure.
Part Two: Reflecting On the Conformity Experience
Reflect upon an authentic experience that occurred either at home, in school, at work, or within the greater community, in which you or someone you know conformed to the majority opinion. In your reflection, address each of the following rubric criteria in 3 to 5 sentences:
Describe the influence of unanimity on the tendency of group members to conform to the majority opinion.
Describe the influence of cohesion on the tendency of group members to conform to the majority opinion.
Describe the influence of status on the tendency of group members to conform to the majority opinion.
Part Three: Integrating the Negative and Positive Aspects of Conformity Within the Group Dynamic
Integrate and apply your knowledge of conformity, which can result in both negative and positive outcomes on group collaboration. In your response, address each of the following rubric criteria in one paragraph:
Describe the negative effects of conformity on group collaboration. Include the potential impact of conformity on each of the following:
If one or more of the group members are not motivated, how does that impact the group?
How can the identity and individuality of members impact the group?
The perceptions of fairness toward group members
The creativity and diversity of ideas of group members
Describe the positive effects of conformity on group collaboration. Include the potential impact of conformity on each of the following:
The cohesiveness of group members
The intergroup harmony between group members
The productivity level of group members
The learning among group members
Using the various socio-psychological concepts examined in this project to support your position, share three recommendations for optimizing the group collaboration experience.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Research Notes
You will use the Project One Template to complete this project. Sources must be cited according to APA style.