setting goals for yourself using the SMART method



For this assignment, you will work on setting goals for yourself using the SMART method. You will find an explanation of this method in the module that will guide you in your goal-setting process. You will list a minimum of five professional goals that you would like to accomplish during the clinical experience in this term. For each goal, you must provide an explanation of how the goal is representative of each of the SMART characteristics: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely. Be sure to answer the following questions for each goal summary: Can you measure it? Is it attainable? Is it realistic? What is the time frame you have set for completing that goal?

Format: Each goal summary should be at least 100 words – totaling 500 words for this assignment (added to the speaker notes). The presentation is original work and logically organized, formatted, and cited in the current APA style, including citation of references.  The presentation should consist of 10-15 slides (excluding the introduction and reference page).

How to Format a PowerPoint Presentation in APA StyleLinks to an external site. Goodwin University. (2019, October).  APA style – 7th edition.

Grading Rubric


Your assignment will be graded according to the grading rubric.

SMART Goals Rubric


Specific To set a specific goal you must answer the 6 Ws: Who? Who is involved? What? What would I like to accomplish? Where? Where is this happening? When? When do I start/finish? Which? Identify requirements and constraints Why? Why am I doing this? Specific reasons, purpose or benefits!
Exemplary – 6-8 points The goal is personal and identifies areas of weakness in clinical practice. The goal is detailed and clearly focused on the specific skills, behaviors, and/or knowledge outlined in the course objectives.
Distinguished – 4-5 points The goal is personal and identifies areas of weakness in clinical practice. There is a lack of focus and detail on the specific skills, behaviors, and/or knowledge outlined in the course objectives.
Developing – 1-3 points The goal is personal and identifies areas of weakness in clinical practice. Details on the specific skills, behaviors and/or knowledge outlined in the course objectives are not provided.
Novice – 0 points The goal is general and does not address areas of weakness in clinical practice. The goal displays no specificity, is general and vague.
8 points

Measurable Goals may have several short-term and on-going measurements so that you can see how you are doing in your aim to achieve your goal. A non-measurable goal: I want to learn how to sing. A measurable goal: I want to learn 5 arias by Friday, November 12th
Exemplary – 6-8 points Measures have been identified that will demonstrate learning, results, and/or progress as related to the described goal.
Distinguished – 4-5 points A method of measuring has been identified but it does not directly link to or connect with the described go.
Developing – 1-3 points The method listed for measurement is rather general and does not directly link to or connect with the described goal.
Novice – 0 points Not at all measurable – no method of measurement indicated.
8 points

Achievable/Ambitious A goal should stretch you slightly so you feel you can do it, and it will need a real commitment from you. Think about what is achievable and what you want to do.
Exemplary – 6-8 points The goal set forth is realistic, motivating, challenging, and can be achievable within the term. There is a clear process described to support achievability.
Distinguished – 4-5 points The goal set forth is realistic; however, the achievability may not require much challenge, or the achievability may be incredibly challenging to achieve within the term. The process is mentioned but lacks clarity.
Developing – 1-3 points The goal is realistic, however the time frame does not support success. There is no process that supports achievability.
Novice – 0 points The goal is not at all within reason and cannot be achieved.
8 points

Relevant Realistic goals should have you push you, but not break you!
Exemplary – 6-8 points The goal has a strong connection to the course objectives, the student’s history, current interests, and/or demonstrated abilities.
Distinguished – 4-5 points The goal has some connection to the course objectives, the student’s history, current interests and/or demonstrated abilities.
Developing – 1-3 points The goal has only a slight connection to the course objectives, the student’s history, current interests and/or demonstrated abilities.
Novice – 0 points The goal has no connection to the course objectives.
8 points

Timely What is your time frame? Putting an end to your goal, or target dates to work towards, gives you a sense of accomplishment as you move toward achieving your goal. With a time frame comes more commitment to achievement!
Exemplary – 8-9 points The goal has a definite date of what will be accomplished by this date and is linked to the measurables. Is within the time frame of this term.
Distinguished – 6-7 points The goal has an indefinite date of what will be accomplished by this date and is linked to the measurables. It is within the time frame of this term.
Developing – 1-5 points The goal has an indefinite date of what will be accomplished by this date but does not link to the measurables.
Novice – 0 points Has no dates and/or is over a period far beyond this term.
8 points

Use of Citations, Writing Mechanics and APA Formatting Guidelines
Exemplary – 4-5 points References page contains more than required current scholarly academic reference and text reference.. Follows APA guidelines of components: double space, 12 pt. font, abstract, level headings, hanging indent. Rules of grammar, usage and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.
Distinguished – 3 points References page contains one current scholarly academic resource and text reference. Follows most APA guidelines of components: double space, 12 pt. font, abstract, level headings, hanging indent. Few grammatical errors, but sentences could be clearer and more precise.
Developing – 1-2 points References page contains one current or outdated scholarly academic resource. Many errors of APA guidelines: double space, 12 pt. font, abstract, level headings, hanging indent. Paper contains few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.
Novice – 0 points References page contains no current scholarly academic resources, only internet webpages or no reference page. Lack of APA guidelines for references provided. Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.
5 points

PowerPoint Slides
Exemplary – 4-5 points PowerPoint presentation contains 10-15 slides. All parts of the assignment are completed fully and described in the PowerPoint presentation in detail.
Distinguished – 3 points PowerPoint presentation contains 10-15 slides. All parts of the project are completed partially and described in the PowerPoint presentation.
Developing – 1-2 points PowerPoint presentation contains fewer than 10 slides, or some slides are incomplete or not relevant to the required content of the presentation.
Novice – 0 points PointPoint presentation contains fewer than 10 slides and /or is missing several parts of the required content.



### PowerPoint Presentation Outline: SMART Goals for Clinical Experience

#### Slide 1: Title Slide
– **Title:** SMART Goals for Clinical Experience
– **Subtitle:** Professional Goals for [Your Name]
– **Course:** [Course Name]
– **Instructor:** [Instructor Name]
– **Date:** [Date]

#### Slide 2: Introduction to SMART Goals
– **Definition:** Explanation of SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely)
– **Purpose:** Importance of SMART goals in professional and clinical settings

#### Slide 3: Goal 1: Enhance Patient Communication Skills
– **Specific:** Improve communication with patients to ensure they understand their treatment plans
– **Measurable:** Conduct patient satisfaction surveys and receive positive feedback from at least 90% of patients by the end of the term
– **Attainable:** Utilize communication training workshops and role-playing exercises
– **Realistic:** Feasible given current skills and available resources
– **Timely:** Achieve this goal by the end of the clinical term

#### Slide 4: Explanation of Goal 1
– **Measurement:** Patient satisfaction surveys before and after implementing new communication strategies
– **Attainability:** Detailed plan for attending workshops and practicing communication skills
– **Realism:** Based on current skill level and the resources available
– **Time Frame:** Set specific milestones throughout the term

#### Slide 5: Goal 2: Improve Clinical Documentation Accuracy
– **Specific:** Enhance the accuracy and completeness of clinical documentation
– **Measurable:** Achieve a 95% accuracy rate in clinical documentation audits by the end of the term
– **Attainable:** Participate in documentation training sessions and use checklists
– **Realistic:** Matches current workload and institutional expectations
– **Timely:** Complete by the end of the term with monthly progress checks

#### Slide 6: Explanation of Goal 2
– **Measurement:** Regular audits and feedback from supervisors
– **Attainability:** Training sessions and use of standardized templates
– **Realism:** Practical within the context of the clinical environment
– **Time Frame:** Specific monthly progress targets

#### Slide 7: Goal 3: Master Advanced Clinical Procedures
– **Specific:** Learn and perform advanced clinical procedures such as central line insertions
– **Measurable:** Successfully perform at least 10 central line insertions under supervision by the end of the term
– **Attainable:** Access to training materials and supervision by experienced clinicians
– **Realistic:** Aligns with current level of training and available resources
– **Timely:** Complete within the clinical term with regular practice sessions

#### Slide 8: Explanation of Goal 3
– **Measurement:** Log of procedures performed and feedback from supervisors
– **Attainability:** Regular practice sessions and access to necessary equipment
– **Realism:** Supported by current training level and resource availability
– **Time Frame:** Regular assessments and final evaluation at term end

#### Slide 9: Goal 4: Develop Leadership Skills
– **Specific:** Lead a team project to improve clinic efficiency
– **Measurable:** Successfully implement the project and achieve a 20% increase in efficiency metrics by term end
– **Attainable:** Participate in leadership training and collaborate with team members
– **Realistic:** Matches current responsibilities and team capabilities
– **Timely:** Complete the project by the end of the clinical term

#### Slide 10: Explanation of Goal 4
– **Measurement:** Efficiency metrics before and after project implementation
– **Attainability:** Leadership training and team collaboration
– **Realism:** Realistic based on current role and resources
– **Time Frame:** Specific milestones throughout the project

#### Slide 11: Goal 5: Increase Knowledge of EHR Systems
– **Specific:** Gain proficiency in the electronic health record (EHR) system used in the clinic
– **Measurable:** Complete training modules and demonstrate proficiency in using the EHR system by the end of the term
– **Attainable:** Access to EHR training resources and support from IT staff
– **Realistic:** Feasible with dedicated study time and practice
– **Timely:** Achieve proficiency by the end of the clinical term

#### Slide 12: Explanation of Goal 5
– **Measurement:** Training module completion and proficiency tests
– **Attainability:** Structured training program and practice opportunities
– **Realism:** Practical with available resources and support
– **Time Frame:** Regular progress checks and final assessment at term end

#### Slide 13: Summary of SMART Goals
– Recap of each goal and its alignment with SMART criteria
– Emphasis on the importance of setting SMART goals for professional development

#### Slide 14: Challenges and Strategies
– Potential challenges in achieving these goals
– Strategies to overcome challenges and stay on track

#### Slide 15: Conclusion
– Final thoughts on the importance of SMART goals in clinical practice
– Encouragement to set and pursue SMART goals for continuous improvement

#### Slide 16: References
– List of references in APA format
– Include sources for SMART goals methodology and any training materials mentioned

### Example of a Goal Summary

#### Goal 1: Enhance Patient Communication Skills
**Specific:** I aim to improve my communication with patients to ensure they understand their treatment plans. This involves explaining medical terms in layman’s language, actively listening to patients’ concerns, and verifying their understanding.

**Measurable:** I will conduct patient satisfaction surveys and aim to receive positive feedback from at least 90% of patients by the end of the term. I will also track the number of communication training sessions attended.

**Attainable:** I will participate in communication training workshops and practice through role-playing exercises with peers. I will also seek feedback from my supervisor and colleagues to continuously improve.

**Realistic:** This goal is realistic as it aligns with my current clinical responsibilities and the resources available at my clinic, such as communication workshops and support from experienced colleagues.

**Timely:** I plan to achieve this goal by the end of the clinical term. I will set monthly milestones to track my progress, such as attending at least one workshop per month and conducting patient surveys bi-weekly.

If you need further assistance in creating the presentation or writing the goal summaries, feel free to ask!

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