One of the core components of learning is the ability to engage with targeted learning materials and apply information to problems or scenarios. This seemingly simple task can be difficult when questions challenge not only

1)   One of the core components of learning is the ability to engage with targeted learning materials and apply information to problems or scenarios. This seemingly simple task can be difficult when questions challenge not only recollection, but require the processing and application of diverse, interrelated, and advanced topics. The focus of this assignment is to create an opportunity for multilevel development; you will learn topic-specific information and, more importantly, advanced skills such as critical thinking, in-depth analysis, and knowledge application by addressing questions that apply learning materials to situations. [MO 1.1, MO 1.2, MO 1.3]


To successfully meet the requirements for this assignment, answer the following challenge questions. You must answer each question to the best of your ability and provide adequate information to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts (approximately 1 page for each question). Specific focus will be given to the effective application of marketing concepts and not the regurgitation of course information. Be sure to synthesize the information and apply it to the industry.

The questions you need to answer are focused on specific textbook content as identified in parenthesis following each question below.

Many companies are beginning to realize that they are not really market- and customer-driven but rather are product- and sales-driven. In an attempt to transform themselves into true market-driven companies, many firms must change. Describe and explain what changes are necessary. (Chapter 1)What is a marketing audit and what is its purpose? What are the attributes of an effective marketing audit? (Chapter 2)Explain the differences between culture, subculture, social class, and reference group. (Chapter 3)Vertical coordination can facilitate stronger customer-seller ties but at the same time may increase the risk to the customer’s and supplier’s specific investments. What are specific investments and why are they risky? (Chapter 4)Why are marketing outcomes much more difficult to measure than marketing inputs? (Chapter 5)

When submitting this assignment, ensure that your paper is double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Your paper should include a cover page, page numbers, and for each section of required content, an appropriate heading. (If there are five questions, include five section headings.) A separate references page should be included and all references should follow APA format. The cover page, appendices, and references do not count towards the final paper length of approximately 5 pages.





2)   Instructions

The interactive event will cover major topics and themes associated with the Sawhney and Goodman case from Module 2. To meet the requirements of this event, be prepared to answer and engage in an active discussion about the following questions:

What are the primary issues and concerns emerging from the case?What recommendations would you advocate to help solve the issues presented within the case?How would you implement your recommendations, measure success, and ensure the best chances of success for your recommendations?

You will also need to ask one thoughtful question of one of your peers during the live event. While the quality and content of your participation is a key consideration from a grading perspective, your engagement through asking quality questions will also be an important consideration.




3)   Decision-making is what managers and leaders must do on a regular basis and often in turbulent situations where time is of the essence. These decisions directly influence revenues, costs, and profits of organizations, both large and small. Using the case study method provides a simulated environment where you can apply what you learned to develop decision-making skills as you sift through large volumes of information to identify problems, determine goals, define relevant alternatives, and develop plans to implement decisions. [MO 2.1, MO 2.2, MO 2.3]


This activity covers content presented in Modules 1 and 2 uses the following resource:

·        Sawhney, M., & Goodman, P. (2021). Microsoft Surface Hub 2S: The higher education market opportunity (Case KE1196). Harvard Business School Publishing.

To successfully meet the requirements of this assignment, you must read, review, and synthesize the case material from Sawhney and Goodman. Once you have read the case, summarize what you learned from the case, tie your analysis to current information, and identify an actionable and measurable strategy. Write a 5- to 7-page paper in APA format (using at least three additional references) and address the following in your paper:

·        Executive Summary: Write a 1-paragraph summary that sets the stage for the entire paper. This summary should include the situation/problem, your best solution to guide strategic marketing development, and how you plan on implementing your recommendations. (1/2 page)

·        Analysis: Provide insights into the status of the organization and determine a baseline understanding so that you can share effective recommendations that can be implemented. Use information included in the case that is supplemented by readily available external sources to demonstrate command of the information relating to the case. Be reasonable and objective, ensuring that you provide a balance to your analysis, while including details to support your position on the problems facing the organization. (2 to 3 pages)

o   From outside of the case using external sources, provide information relating to the organization’s background including:

§  Environmental forces impacting the organization

§  Description of competitors

§  Similarities/differences between product offerings

§  Consumers (target audience and general consumer trends)

§  Operating data including finances, sales histories, and financial health

§  Pricing strategy, distribution strategy, and promotion strategy

o   From inside the case, provide information relating to the fundamental problems facing the organization including:

§  Symptoms and their causes

§  Other problems the organization faces

§  How internal dynamics could impact the potential implementation of your recommendations

·        Recommendations: Determine a set of recommendations that directly addresses the issues and concerns that have emerged from your analysis in the previous section. Recommendations should focus on actions that offer a reasonable prospect of success and include sufficient detail to be meaningful. Provide detailed and specific support for each of your recommendations so that management could potentially implement your plan based upon content provided in the analysis. (1 to 2 pages)

·        Implementation: Determine how you will implement and measure the outcomes of your recommended strategy. For this section, focus on how you will measure the success of recommendations, an agenda for action that stipulates a timetable and sequence for initiating actions, budget, roles of various individuals and business units, and any additional pertinent information needed for implementing your recommendations. (1 to 2 pages)






4)   The focus of this assignment is to create an opportunity for multilevel development. You will learn topic-specific information and advanced skills such as critical thinking, in-depth analysis, and knowledge application by addressing questions that apply learning materials to situations. [MO 3.1, MO 3.2, MO 3.3]


To successfully meet the requirements for this assignment, answer the following challenge questions. You must answer each question to the best of your ability and provide adequate information to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts (approximately 1 page for each question). Specific focus will be given to the effective application of marketing concepts and not the regurgitation of course information. Be sure to synthesize the information and apply it to the industry.

The questions you need to answer are focused on specific textbook content as identified in parenthesis following each question:

List, describe, and provide relevant examples of the four phases consumers generally pass through before they will develop the conviction to buy a product. (Chapter 12)Sherrell is an executive with an ad agency that has been entrusted with accounts for a used car showroom, a home appliances maker, and a soap company. With reference to response hierarchy models, how does Sherrell plan communication strategies for the three accounts effectively? In your response, be sure to provide a brief strategy for each of the three ad campaigns. (Chapter 12)Evaluate the advantages of each of the four main categories of place advertising and provide an example of each. (Chapter 13)Analyze the general nature of the conflict that occurs between marketing and sales, how to address these conflicts, and a relevant example of this conflict. (Chapter 14)What is channel power? Explain the various types of channel power that exist. Be sure to include a relevant example in your response. (Chapter 15)

When submitting this assignment, ensure that your paper is double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Your paper should include a cover page, page numbers, and for each section of required content, an appropriate heading. (If there are five questions, include five section headings.) A separate references page should be included and all references should follow APA format. The cover page, appendices, and references do not count towards the final paper length of approximately 5 pages.





5)   Instructions

The interactive event will cover major topics and themes associated with the Avery case from Module 4. To meet the requirements of this event, be prepared to answer and engage in an active discussion about the following questions:

What are the primary issues and concerns emerging from the case?What recommendations would you advocate to help solve the issues presented within the case?How would you implement your recommendations, measure success, and ensure the best chances of success for your recommendations?

You will also need to ask one thoughtful question of one of your peers during the live event. While the quality and content of your participation is a key consideration from a grading perspective, your engagement through asking quality questions will also be an important consideration.




6)   Decision-making is what managers and leaders must do on a regular basis and often in turbulent situations where time is of the essence. These decisions directly influence revenues, costs, and profits of organizations, both large and small. Using the case study method provides a simulated environment where you can apply what you learned to develop decision-making skills as you sift through large volumes of information to identify problems, determine goals, define relevant alternatives, and develop plans to implement decisions. [MO 4.1, MO 4.2, MO 4.3]


This activity covers content presented in Modules 3 and 4 uses the following resource:

·        Avery, J. (2019). Glossier: Co-creating a cult brand with a digital community (Case 519022). Harvard Business School Publishing.

To successfully meet the requirements of this assignment, you must read, review, and synthesize the case material from Avery. Once you have read the case, summarize what you learned from the case, tie your analysis to current information, and identify an actionable and measurable strategy. Write a 5- to 7-page paper in APA format (using at least three additional references) and address the following in your paper:

·        Executive Summary: Write a 1-paragraph summary that sets the stage for the entire paper. This summary should include the situation/problem, your best solution to guide strategic marketing development, and how you plan on implementing your recommendations. (1/2 page)

·        Analysis: Provide insights into the status of the organization and determine a baseline understanding so that you can share effective recommendations that can be implemented. Use information included in the case that is supplemented by readily available external sources to demonstrate command of the information relating to the case. Be reasonable and objective, ensuring that you provide a balance to your analysis, while including details to support your position on the problems facing the organization. (2 to 3 pages)

o   From outside of the case using external sources, provide information relating to the organization’s background including:

§  Environmental forces impacting the organization

§  Description of competitors

§  Similarities/differences between product offerings

§  Consumers (target audience and general consumer trends)

§  Operating data including finances, sales histories, and financial health

§  Pricing strategy, distribution strategy, and promotion strategy

o   From inside the case, provide information relating to the fundamental problems facing the organization including:

§  Symptoms and their causes

§  Other problems the organization faces

§  How internal dynamics could impact the potential implementation of your recommendations

·        Recommendations: Determine a set of recommendations that directly addresses the issues and concerns that have emerged from your analysis in the previous section. Recommendations should focus on actions that offer a reasonable prospect of success and include sufficient detail to be meaningful. Provide detailed and specific support for each of your recommendations so that management could potentially implement your plan based upon content provided in the analysis. (1 to 2 pages)

·        Implementation: Determine how you will implement and measure the outcomes of your recommended strategy. For this section, focus on how you will measure the success of recommendations, an agenda for action that stipulates a timetable and sequence for initiating actions, budget, roles of various individuals and business units, and any additional pertinent information needed for implementing your recommendations. (1 to 2 pages)