EPQ level 3: Drugs over time, Dissertation, OU, UK


Title:  Page and Contents

Abstract : Completed at the end of your project but situated at the start. This is a concise summary of the purpose, findings and conclusion of your project.


 Use your Project Proposal Form to help you with this.
 An explanation of the research question (What is it about, why does it need researching? Why is it important? Key data/sources?)
The rationale for the choice of question (Why do you want to study this in-depth?)
Identification of any controversial aspects of the question (a debate, argument)
Explanation of any key terms and the gist of what you will explore and how you will analyse it.

Literature/Research Review

Using a range of research, give an outline of the literature that underlies your project (key dates, developments, major events)
Explore previous research in the area, identify arguments for and against and demonstrate your depth and breadth in your subject.
 You should be differentiating between fact, speculation and subjective opinion but also consider the validity, reliability, methodological issues and any bias that your sources present.


This is the main bulk of your project where you discuss your question and provide a range of research to clearly identify, support and challenge each viewpoint.
You should be differentiating between fact, speculation and subjective opinion but also
consider the validity, reliability, methodological issues and any bias that your sources present.


 Consider both viewpoints and come to a clear conclusion which involves weighing up all research explored.
You could suggest areas for further research or recommendations for your field.

 Bibliography (not included in the word count)

A final list of referencing in alphabetical order using the Harvard style (see the resource page for help on how to reference)

Appendices (not included in the word count)
Activity Log

 In this section you would include materials you have used/created that the reader may want to see. Eg, questionnaires, interviews, extracts, images.
Project Proposal Form

 Evaluation (not included in the word count)

To what extent did you achieve what you planned to?
Weaknesses in your interpretation of your resources and how you used them?
How well did you perform at different stages of the project?
What didn’t go to plan? How did you overcome this?
What would you do differently next time and why?
What have you learned from this process? How useful has it been?

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