You are writing a researched argumentative essay and while writing it make sure

You are writing a researched argumentative essay and while writing it make sure you include


Has a Title

Can be Informative or Creative

Pulls Reader in with a Hook

May Give Background Info about Debate or Issue

Has a Clearly Identifiable Thesis

Takes a Clear Stand on a Debatable Issue / Argues Policy


Evidence of Research is Present
Communicates Information Completely, Clearly, and Accurately
Avoids Editorializing or Manipulation of Information
Defines Any Key Terms
Provides Two to Three Key Points of Support for Claim
Does Not Try to Argue Belief
Sticks to the Topic at Hand

Includes Only Relevant Information about Topic or Issue

Uses Loges, Pathos, and Ethos to Support Claim or Position Tone and Language are Appropriate for an Academic Paper and the Subject Matter

Avoids Logical Fallacies

Addresses Other Claims and Counterarguments.


Have Topic Sentences
Are Well-Developed
Have Only One Point
Are Organized by The Points of Support given in Thesis Statement


Signals a Conclusion
Finishes Strong


Uses information from at least five reputable outside sources, cited correctly


Uses MLA Format
Double Spaced
12 pt Times New Roman Font
Paragraphs Are Indented
Has Correct Headings