Calm Down, Karen (When the Emperor is in Reverse)

As we just covered, the Emperor card is often a symbol of authority, structure, and control. When upright, it represents stability, leadership, and the ability to govern effectively. However, when the Emperor is drawn in reverse, its positive attributes can be overshadowed by an authoritarian streak, rigidity, and an overbearing nature. The Emperor, in reverse, warns against becoming too inflexible and dictatorial, urging a more balanced approach to leadership and authority.

We’ve all seen the TikToks of Karens going on a rampage in whatever store or confronting someone because they feel inconvenienced or didn’t get their way. Male, female – it doesn’t matter; their sense of entitlement, superiority, and overbearing aggression is proudly on display. (I especially love it when they fake fall to the ground like they’ve been assaulted.)

Often, the traits and characteristics of The Emperor when reversed in the extreme are defense mechanisms that become so deeply embedded that they begin to not only distort that person’s personality but their sense of reality as well. Something that most of us may be inconvenienced by becomes a personal attack and is met with overbearing disregard for social etiquette, societal norms, or even common sense. While we used to call these people “anal retentive” or “tight-assed,” now, they are simply referred to as ‘Karen.’

At the heart of every ‘Karen’ behavior is a reaction to the inability to control a situation. Lack of control can be debilitating for some and manifest as extreme behavior and expression of unrealistic expectations and desires.

These types of little Emperors can be found all over throughout our day-to-day lives:

In the Workplace: We can see reversed Emperor energy in a micromanaging boss who feels the need to oversee every detail of our work, or a workplace culture that is inflexible with its rules and regulations, where employees feel they have no room for creativity or individual expression. Changes are met with resistance, and innovative ideas are often dismissed.At School: A teacher who strictly adheres to the syllabus and leaves no room for creative solutions or discussions. Students (and their parents) may feel there is no adaptability for students who need alternate forms of learning or additional resources and support.In the Community: An HOA board member who imposes their views and decisions on the group without seeking input or consensus. They may be resistant to new ideas or changes suggested by others. This is also the parent who leads the attempt to ban books from the local library or aggressively challenges the school board to change its curriculum to something more in line with their religious beliefs. We also see this as people declare “<adjective> Lives Matter” in response to “Black Lives Matter.” Or how about those people who protest Pride parades?In Politics: Take your pick of any authoritarian government or political leader who modifies or implements new laws to benefit themselves, consolidate power, intimidate, or limit the voices of those they govern. We can see this in current and historical politics: Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, Marie Le Pen, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler, just to name a few.In Friendships: A friend (or soon-to-be bride!) who always needs to be in control of plans and gets upset when things donโ€™t go according to their desires. They pressure others to conform to their schedules and preferences.

Personal Habits Reflecting Reversed Emperor Energy

We can also find these traits lurking in ourselves:

Perfectionism: Someone who demands perfection in every task, both from themselves and others. There is little to no room for error and failure to meet self-imposed expectations is often met with unnecessarily harsh criticism or discipline.Self-Imposed Rigidity: Someone who sets excessively high standards for themselves and becomes frustrated or anxious when things don’t go as planned. They may have a strict daily routine and feel uncomfortable or inconvenienced when it is disrupted.Hoarding: Someone who stockpiles supplies and resources out of fear of future shortages or emergencies, leading to clutter and an inability to let go of unnecessary items.Jealousy and Possessiveness: Someone who is overly jealous and possessive in relationships, constantly needing reassurance and control over their partner’s actions and interactions with others.Obsessive Dieting: Someone who follows a highly restrictive diet, often detailing every calorie and macro intake. This could even lead to avoiding social situations involving food for fear of breaking their strict regimen.

Parenting with Reversed Emperor Energy

The Emperor in reverse can, of course, even show up in our parenting style:

Helicopter Parenting: Constantly monitoring and controlling every aspect of our child’s life, from friendships to homework, out of fear that something might go wrong. This can hinder the child’s development of independence and problem-solving skills.Limiting Autonomy: Not allowing the child to make age-appropriate decisions or take risks, thereby limiting their ability to learn from mistakes and develop confidence.Strict Discipline: Enforcing a rigid set of rules (often uncommunicated) and expecting absolute obedience, punishing any deviations harshly. This can create a fear-based home life where the child feels unable to express themselves.Perfectionist Standards: Expecting the child to excel in academics, sports, or other activities without considering their individual capabilities and interests. This can lead to immense pressure and stress for the child.Constant Criticism: Focusing on the child’s mistakes and shortcomings rather than their achievements, leading to a lack of self-esteem and confidence in the child.

The Key to Being a Successful Emperor

Understanding and recognizing the reversed Emperor’s energy can help in managing and mitigating its impact. Identifying the root cause, often a sense of lack of control, allows us to correct these behaviors before they become more extreme. It’s important to not only understand the significance of boundaries and rules but also to maintain a balance between being a pushover and a dictator. Here are some strategies for finding that balance:

Encouraging Open Communication: Whether at work or home, fostering an environment where everyone feels heard and valued can reduce the need for excessive control.Practicing Flexibility: Allowing for changes and being open to different approaches can help alleviate the tension caused by rigid structures. There are often multiple ways to achieve the same result, even if all aren’t the most “efficient.”Empathy and Understanding: Understanding the reasons behind someoneโ€™s need for control can help in addressing the underlying issues with compassion and support.Setting Healthy Boundaries: In our relationships, especially with children, itโ€™s important to set and respect boundaries to ensure that everyoneโ€™s autonomy is maintained.

Understanding the importance of balance and a moderate, realistic response can help us stay level-headed and de-escalate situations that may otherwise turn unnecessarily aggressive. The Emperor’s energy is an important part of all of us, but – just as with every other Tarot card – it’s important that it is balanced and forward-moving.