Improving care for people using healthcare services MOD009543 Quality and Leadership in Nursing Care

BSc (Hons) Nursing

Improving care for people using healthcare services
Quality and Leadership in Nursing Care

[Add Your Essay Title Here]

Total Word Count: 4000
Word Count (excluding citations)

This document serves as a template and guide for your formative and summative submission.
Students should follow the layout by downloading this document and replacing text with their own work.
This essay has a 4000-word limit (excluding citations and references)
The following are NOT included in the final word count:
Title Page
Table of contents
Tables/ Figures (not required for this essay)
In-text citations in brackets
Full reference list
Appendices (not required for this essay)
Every effort should be made to complete all parts
This document is pre-formatted to an appropriate font, justification and line spacing for submission – you should use Arial font, 12pt, with double line spacing and left justification. Make sure all the text you add is in black prior to submission.
Please double-click into the ‘footer’ at the bottom of the page to add your SID number.
Please save your work with your own SID number as the title of the document prior to submission.

Any word counts listed beyond this point are an approximation only.

N.B. Once you have completed your essay, you MUST delete this page and any text written in RED (or not required) in the remainder of the document prior to submission to Canvas.

Contents Page

Please use this page to hold a contents list (including page numbers) of the entirety of your work (from front cover the final page) including any appendices.

This section is not included in your word count

Approx. 250 words

Critical discussion/ reflection on the experience or episode of care (approx. 1000 words)
This section will provide the context of your work (i.e. what did you note in practice so that you could identify change was needed? Which experience in practice made you feel there was a need for change?) Following from your experience, write up a critical reflection in which you generate a rationale for improvement.
You are advised to use Driscoll (2007) – What? So What? Now What? – to structure your reflection.

So What?
Now What?

It will also provide some background (i.e. what does the national/ international level literature say about this issue? Are there any major reports that highlight this problem?)

Improvement proposal (approx. 2500 words)
Project plan
Project Plan Suggested structure (following the NHS England/ NHS Improvement (2022) – see guide and what to include in each section on Canvas.

Start out
Define and scope
Measure and Understand
Design and Plan
Pilot and Implement
Handover and Sustain

You should use the guide to build this section – don’t copy paste a completed table.
Use references to support each section and ensure you discuss a Change Management theory/ model when you expand the Measure and Understand Section.


250 words

Reference List:

Please ensure that your reference list is formatted and presented in accordance with the latest ARU standards (Cite them Right Harvard), which can be found on the library website). This is an easy way to gain marks, but it does take a little time to get right. If you are using software, such as REFWORKS, you must still check your final reference list prior to submission as the systems do not always get it quite right!