influencing the health

*How does this community compare with other LGAs or with Victoria? Impact on health • Answer this question: How is YOUR government influencing the health of your population?
Resources and references • Resources and references for this section • Work out how to include the answers from your interview questions here.

5. Link to the Determinants of Health
What are the two main health issues and priorities you have identified in your suburb/town/city?
Using the information you have gathered about your suburb/town/city, identify and outline two (2) health issues. Link these to your determinants of health. What has emerged from your research?
This part of the report is where you need to interpret and analyse the information you have gathered. It is very important to explain why these two health issues exist and/or why they were selected for your community.
• Work out how to include the answers from your interview questions here.
5.1. Health issue 1— NAME OF THE ISSUE Oftf’
5.2. Health issue 2 — NAME OF THE ISSUE

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