RTO No: 91223
Self-Study Guide
BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
This document is to be used as a self-study guide at home/in your own time to complement the formal learning you are doing as part of your classroom or online studies. It is a requirement of your course that you complete the activities in this guide.
You will need to take your notes/completed activities to class, or follow your trainers direction about how to complete activities.
If you are unsure about anything, talk to your trainer/assessor.
Self-study Guide
Unit code and title
BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
You are to complete each of the self-study tasks below. Each activity is a mandatory part of your study. After completing each of the tasks, tick the box below to show that you have completed the activity and bring evidence of this to class to share.
Expected time
Watch & research
Watch one of the videos from the RTO Works video series:
Better Than Yesterday (Continuous Improvement)
Conduct your own research to answer the following questions:
How can tracking improvements lead to successful organisational change?
How can continuous improvement methodologies assist in identifying required change?
How can continuous improvement assist in developing change management strategies?
2 hours
Practical activity
With another classmate analyse a case study of organisational change. Use mind mapping to formulate an alternate strategy. Consider the following questions:
How can this organisational change lead to enhanced products and services?
What are three key benefits of implementing change? How can they be employed here?
How can it be ensured the strategy aligns with legislation, policies and procedures?
List and briefly explain components of the change management project plan.
4 hours
Research a company that is obstinate in terms of conducting or managing change. Describe how this has affected their business as it moves into the future. Take notes for class.
2 hours
Review your assessment requirements for this unit and read through your Project Portfolio so you know what you will be required to do. Make sure you review your Student Guide if you need to revisit some areas of your training. Ask your trainer any questions before you begin your assessment to ensure you understand all of the learning and are ready to be assessed.
3 hours
Reflect on the following:
Information learned during your training
Your main key “takeaways” from this unit
What did you learn that you didn’t know already? How can you apply this in your study/work/life?
What did you find challenging or confronting? How did you overcome these challenges or barriers?
2 hours
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