Regression and Diagnostics


Computer Exercise: Regression and Diagnostics


Run the appropriate analysis to answer the following question.

What are the multiple correlations of three seats of predictors and overall state of health? The first set of predictors contains demographic variables (age and years of education). The second set contains IPA total score and current quality of life. The third set contains smoking history and satisfaction with current weight. 

1. Open your individual dataset (Book 5).  DATA OBSERVATION # 380 t0 680

2. We recoded the “smoke” variable in the Computer Exercise RM-ANOVA. Use that recoded variable in this analysis.

3. Run Regression. Read the document, How to Run Regression and Diagnostics. 

4. Check the assumptions of homoscedasticity, absence of multicollinearity, and linearity and normality using standardized regression residuals. 

5. Interpret SPSS outputs and write up your findings. Your report includes:

Results of assumption check

Your answer to the question. Your answer should include a model summary (R-squared, adjusted R-squared, R-squared changes, overall significance test), a final regression equation model, results of significance test and interpretation of a coefficient (b-weight) for each predictor.  

Regression summary table. Refer to the document, Regression Summary Table. 

6. Submit the followings:

A text file

SPSS output