Your task in this assessment is to prepare a response to each of the questions. Please refer to the marking guide when preparing your response to see what criteria and standards will be used to assess your work and your progress towards Learning Outcomes 1 to 4. Total Marks:10 Distinguish between Cyberwar and cybercrime. Explain why are cybercrime efforts becoming more targeted? Explain the general categories of dark web cybercriminals and their impact on online services. Differentiate the Privacy and Anonymity. Explain how Tor maintains anonymity during web browsing. Investigate the threat analysis on the deep web compared to the surface web. Why it is necessary to protect from cyber threats? Distinguish betw


Assessment item 2 – Short Questions
Value: 10%
Due Date: 15-Aug-2021 Return Date: 03-Sep-2021 Group Assessment: No
Submission method options: EASTS (online) TASK
Your task in this assessment is to prepare a response to each of the questions. Please refer to the marking guide when preparing your response to see what criteria and standards will be used to assess your work and your progress towards Learning Outcomes 1 to 4.
Total Marks:10
Distinguish between Cyberwar and cybercrime. Explain why are cybercrime efforts becoming more targeted?
Explain the general categories of dark web cybercriminals and their impact on online services.
Differentiate the Privacy and Anonymity. Explain how Tor maintains anonymity during web browsing.

Investigate the threat analysis on the deep web compared to the surface web. Why it is necessary to protect from cyber threats?
Distinguish between virus and worms? Investigate the role of encryption in the operation of a virus. MARKING CRITERIA AND STANDARDS
Marks will be given using the following criteria
• correctness and completeness of the answers;
• inclusion of appropriate figures, where applicable;
• clarity of explanation;
• correctness of spelling, grammar, and format of the submission;
• sufficient references and use of APA referencing style The following standard will be used to mark assignment 2:
Assessable components HD DI CR PS
Maximum marks:2 The answer is correct and complete. You have provided a clear and concise explanation with an appropriate example. Accurate referencing using APA 6th edition Including bibliography, in- text citation. No grammatical or spelling mistakes. The answer is correct and complete. A detailed explanation is provided with an appropriate example. Accurate referencing using APA 6th edition Including bibliography, in- text citation. Only a few grammatical or spelling mistakes. The answer is correct, but the explanation is not complete. Very few references are used and they are not formatted appropriately. The answer is correct but not complete and a barely adequate explanation is provided. No references are used. There are grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Maximum marks:2 The answer is correct and complete. You have provided a clear and concise explanation with an appropriate example. Accurate referencing using APA 6th edition Including bibliography, in- The answer is correct and complete. A detailed explanation is provided with an appropriate example. Accurate referencing using APA 6th edition Including bibliography, in- The answer is correct, but the explanation is not complete. Very few references are used and they are not formatted appropriately. The answer is correct but not complete and a barely adequate explanation is provided. No references are used. There are grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

text citation. No grammatical or spelling mistakes. text citation. Only a few grammatical or spelling mistakes.
Maximum marks: 2 The answer is correct and complete. You have provided a clear and concise explanation with an appropriate example. Accurate referencing using APA 6th edition
Including bibliography, in- text citation. No grammatical or spelling mistakes. The answer is correct and complete. A detailed explanation is provided with an appropriate example. Accurate referencing using APA 6th edition Including bibliography, in- text citation. Only a few grammatical or spelling mistakes. The answer is correct, but the explanation is not complete. Very few references are used and they are not formatted appropriately. The answer is correct but not complete and a barely adequate explanation is provided. No references are used. There are grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
Maximum marks: 2 The answer is correct and complete. You have provided a clear and concise explanation with an appropriate example. Accurate referencing using APA 6th edition
Including bibliography, in- text citation. No grammatical or spelling mistakes. The answer is correct and complete. A detailed explanation is provided with an appropriate example. Accurate referencing using APA 6th edition Including bibliography, in- text citation. Only a few grammatical or spelling mistakes. The answer is correct, but the explanation is not complete. Very few references are used and they are not formatted appropriately. The answer is correct but not complete and a barely adequate explanation is provided. No references are used. There are grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
Maximum marks: 2 The answer is correct and complete. You have provided a clear and concise explanation with an appropriate example. Accurate referencing using The answer is correct and complete. A detailed explanation is provided with an appropriate example. Accurate referencing using The answer is correct, but the explanation is not complete. Very few references are used and they are not formatted appropriately. The answer is correct but not complete and a barely adequate explanation is provided. No references are used. There are grammatical errors

APA 6th edition
Including bibliography, in- text citation. No grammatical or spelling mistakes. APA 6th edition Including bibliography, in- text citation. Only a few grammatical or spelling mistakes. and spelling mistakes.

• You are recommended to write the answers in a word document and submit it via EASTS. You can also submit your document in pdf format as well.
• Your answers to the questions should be precise but complete and informative.
• Each question in Task 1 should be answered individually with the corresponding label to indicate the tasks completed.
• Your submission must be no more than 10 pages long (including diagrams), have margins no less than 2cm, and be in a font size no less than 12 points.
• A cover page (outside the page limit) must be included and should contain relevant identifying information.
For this assessment, you are required to use APA referencing to acknowledge the sources that you have used in preparing your assessment. Please refer to the CSU referencing guide In addition, a very useful tool for you to use that demonstrates how to correctly use in-text referencing and the correct way to cite the reference in your reference list can be found at