MHUM004: Summarise the current nutritional status of the population in Burkina Faso and the main trends; comment on these in relation: International and Public Health Nutrition Assignment, UniS, UK

Summarise the current nutritional status of the population in Burkina Faso and the main trends; comment on these in relation to the WHO Global Nutrition Targets. Using the UNICEF Conceptual Framework on Maternal and Child Nutrition, discuss the possible determinants of the nutritional outcomes you have identified. You should include a discussion of food security issues, referring to the information available in the Global Hunger Index report.
Consider whether there are concerns regarding the double/triple burden of malnutrition in Burkina Faso and whether this may be explained by underlying changes in the country.
Discuss the longer-term effects, interactions, and consequences of the aspects of malnutrition that you have discussed for this population.
Describe at least two strategies/interventions which have been put in place to meet the nutritional challenges in Burkina Faso, explaining how they address the determinants discussed in the previous section. You should critically discuss whether these strategies/interventions have been successful, commenting on the possible reasons for their success, or lack of success.
Identify any double-duty actions and outline any possible adverse effects or disadvantages of the intervention/strategies that you have discussed.
Consider sustainability and what could be done to make strategies/interventions more sustainable.

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