The topic is written below in the directions.

Case B: Parolee Gloria, Lewd Sexual Contact and Sexual Contact with a Minor
Gloria has been paroled after serving three years of her nine-year sentence for Lewd Sexual Conduct and Sexual Contact with a Minor. She was 27 years old at the time of the offense, and her victim was 16. Currently Gloria is 30 years old; her victim is now 19 years of age and enrolled as a full-time college student in another state. This is Gloria’s first felony offense, and she has no history of offending behavior under community supervision. Gloria agreed to complete a sex offender treatment program during her incarceration but claimed during her counseling sessions that she and her victim loved each other and that sexual relations were consensual. Gloria still reports feelings for him, but the victim’s family wishes to have no contact with Gloria. However, at this time no one knows how the victim feels about the relationship because his most recent contact information was unavailable when the field officer performed her investigations. The field officer did find out that Gloria’s former employer would not accept her back in her former occupation as a registered nurse despite Gloria’s statements that the institution would. Gloria wishes to parole back to the same house she lived in when arrested. She has one male child, aged 13, who has been staying with Gloria’s mother over the last three years.
Assume that conditions for sex offenders include one or more of the following:
1. No contact with any minor child if victim of sexual crime was a minor or no contact with minor at all even if the victim was of adult age.
2. Contact with minor children approved only if parole officer approves another supervising adult o be present at time of contact.
3. No possession of sexually explicit material – written, audio, or visual.
4. If the offense involved the use of the Internet or a computer, cannot have a personal computer and cannot work where access to Internet is allowed, or in some jurisdictions can have no
computer access at all even if offense did not involve computer usage.
5. Notification to neighbors and employers of offender’s sexual offense history and supervision status.
6. Mandatory participation in sexual offender treatment or aftercare programs.
7. Mandatory routine polygraph exams as part of treatment or supervision.
8. If offense involved filming or pictures of victim, no camera or video equipment access allowed.
9. Cannot work in any employment that would allow access to children or victim-aged groups; cannot be self-employed.
10. Cannot live within a certain distance of schools, playgrounds, public parks, or other places where minors congregate.
Which supervision conditions are pertinent to these sex offenders? Which additional conditions should be imposed on the offender in terms of his or her offense, and what challenges of community supervision does each case present?
Make sure to:
Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words.
Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
Address all questions.
Use proper grammar and punctuation.
When you research your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to cite your sources in APA format at the end of your initial post.
Do not plagiarize.

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