The topic is “Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) of 1974 P.L. 93-247”. It is to be answered in a Powerpoint answering all questions including a reference slide.

The topic is “Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) of 1974 P.L. 93-247”. It is to be answered in a Powerpoint answering all questions including a reference slide. Use and other sources. All answers must be answered in sentences. 

a.  The title of the legislation

b.  The number of the public law establishing the program(federal code number)

c.  The Full and Short title of the law

d.  Summary of the purpose, major components, what was the bill designed to achieve, duration, cost, economic impact.

e.  Identify the major population(s) to be served

f.  Identification of issues that were going on at the time that provided the impetus for this legislation.

g.  Who initiated the legislation, and was there any public participation

h.  Identify major stakeholder?include supporters and opponents

i.  Which committees considered the bill?

j.  Discuss the role and significance of the President (during the time of your legislation) in the development and passage of the bill?

k.  What role did the social work profession play?

l.  What are the main provisions of the legislation? Do these differ from what was originally proposed? If so, how?

m.  Discuss any controversial issues surrounding this legislation?

n.  How did the states respond to this legislation?

o.  How did the legislation impact services to children and their families?

p.  Does this legislation support or hinder the recognition of strengths of families?

q.  Identify ways that you would have changed the legislation. Cite specific changes and tell why.

r.  Has there been any reauthorizations and or amendments to this legislation? 

The post The topic is “Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) of 1974 P.L. 93-247”. It is to be answered in a Powerpoint answering all questions including a reference slide. first appeared on Blu Writers.