Week 6 Forum Assignment
Assignment Part I
1. List your top five responsibilities at work now or a job in the past. Now go through the list and prioritize them as 1 being most important to 5 being least important. Now ask your supervisor is she/he agrees. If there are any differences between what you marked and what your supervisor marked, why are the lists different?
2. You are the shop owner and have a job opening for a technician as a diagnostic technician, mainly doing check engine light diagnosis and failed emission testing repairs.
Candidate A has produced evidence that she has passed all eight ASE tests. She has provided references from 3 previous employers. A parts retailer and a service manager have said that she is intelligent, reliable and highly motivated.
Candidate B has given you references from the last 3 shops where he worked. He is ASE certified in Brakes and Suspension. His last employer says he was reliable and motivated.
Which candidate, A or B is best qualified for the job? Justify your response. (cite the page number from your text)
Steps in the Progressive Discipline Process from Chapter 27
· Advising
· Counseling
· Verbal warning
· Written warning
· Written reprimand
· Written reprimand with a penalty
· Separation from employment
3. Which of the steps listed above would you apply to an employee who consistently arrives late to work?
4. At what point in the process would you be ready to terminate?
5. Complete Theory into Practice 26-1 on page 251.
Assignment Part II
1. You are the owner/operator of a very successful shop that specialized in fast-service and maintenance related items. You are so busy that you have gone to an appointment system to schedule oil changes, tire rotations, etc. Some customers have complained that they have to wait too long for an appointment, sometimes as long as two weeks. They threaten to take their business elsewhere.
Do you:
Add a complete second shift?
Add on two more stalls to the building?
Add more parking by purchasing a lot next door and paving it?
Raise prices to slow down the demand for your work and make some more profit to boot?
Consider all of the above and other options before deciding.
What would you do and why? (cite the page number from your text)
2. You are the owner/operator of a shop that has seen business slow down in recent years, especially after the nearby factory closed and laid off all of the workers. What do you do if you have excess availability, unused capacity or supply?
Would you:
Reduce the workforce?
Reduce facility space?
Lower prices on your service?
What would you do and why? (cite the page number from your text)
3. You own a large tire shop in the city. A customer has her car towed into your shop because of a flat tire. She needs a set of 4 new top-of-the-line tires. The tires retail for $100 each and you normally charge about $100 for the mounting, balancing, and alignment check per car. Of course, you want to keep this customer satisfied and don’t want to lose her business. Choose from the following list:
a. Find a way to cut your price and your profit to meet her needs by selling her 4 top-of-the-line tires, mounting and balancing and a 4-wheel alignment in order to keep her business and her good will.
b. Tell her you can meet her needs but that the lowest you can go for the 4 tires and labor is $500 + tax and she’ll have to take it or leave it.
c. Offer to sell 2 top-of-the-line tires, mounting, balancing, and aligning the car all at $300 + tax (your normal retail price) along with explaining that you can match these new tires with the same brand and tread pattern as is currently on the car
What would you do and why?
Book Info: Andrew Rezin, Automotive Service Management 3rd Edition. Pearson. 2017. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-470985-7
The post Week 6 Forum Assignment Assignment Part I 1. List your top five responsibilities at work now or a job in the past. Now go through the list and prioritize them as 1 being most important to 5 being least important. Now ask your supervisor is she/he agrees. If there are any differences between what you marked and what your supervisor ma appeared first on My blog.