Active Sourcing at AGILLearn You are a new recruiter at the startup company AGILLearn that provides: Talent Management and HRD Case Study, IU, UK

Task 1

Active Sourcing at AGILLearn You are a new recruiter at the startup company AGILLearn that provides University students with innovative and individualized learning products (e.g., apps) to optimize their learning experiences and success for their studies in a classical learning environment (e.g., traditional university).

The company is quite young but has a huge growth potential and is looking into expanding into other markets. One major challenge has been identifying and recruiting new talents for new ventures. Up to now, the company uses only passive approaches for recruiting, such as traditional job advertisements, and can barely keep up with the rising demands for new talented employees. Your task is to figure out how AGILLearn can recruit more talents and how the current recruiting approaches of the company can be updated.

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You’ve heard of several active sourcing approaches other companies have successfully implemented and offer to draft a new strategy overview for recruiting. In addition, you should create comprehensive guidelines on specific active sourcing strategies the company could implement and provide a detailed outline of the target groups addressed. Your written documentation and implementation concept will be evaluated, which you can supplement with screenshots, references and, if necessary, sources.

Note: Various solutions are possible. Depending on the target group addressed, a different solution will be practical. Tips: Get creative regarding target groups and try to incorporate a ‘startup spirit’ with respect to product and customers.

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