After reading Chapters 1 and 2 and watching the videos on the Health Informatics and informatics Systems:

After reading Chapters 1 and 2 and watching the videos on the Health Informatics and informatics Systems:

2-3 pages (Response to all of the initial discussion board questions below)–PaGC9o?si=kFvGuCYADWgqoSCH

Address ALL below

1-Describe a scenario in your discipline(ICU nurse) where you used data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.

2-Complete the self-assessment of informatics competencies presented in Table 1-1 and create an action plan for achieving these competencies. Your Action plan should be a minimum of ONE paragraph 4-6 sentences.

3-In health care, think about a typical day of practice and describe the setting. How many times do you interact with Information Science or Information Systems (ISs)? What are the ISs that you interact with, and how do you access them? Are they at the patient’s side, handheld, or station based? How does their location and ease of access impact patient care?

4-If you could meet only TWO (2) of the rights discussed in chapter 2, which one would you omit and why? Provide your rationale for both right you chose to meet.

5-You may cite the course required textbook and or other sources in which you have used content from. Make sure your references are in AMA format.

After reading Chapters 1 and 2 and watching the videos on the Health Informatics and informatics Systems:

**1. Scenario in ICU Nursing:**


In the intensive care unit (ICU), data, information, knowledge, and wisdom are utilized daily to provide optimal patient care. For example, let’s consider a scenario where a patient presents with septic shock. As an ICU nurse, I collect various data points, such as vital signs, laboratory results (data). These data points are then analyzed to identify patterns and trends, such as elevated lactate levels and hypotension (information). Based on this information, I collaborate with the healthcare team to formulate a care plan, which may include administering intravenous fluids, antibiotics, and vasopressors (knowledge). Throughout the patient’s treatment, I continuously assess their response to interventions, adjust the plan as needed, and anticipate potential complications (wisdom). This holistic approach, informed by data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, helps optimize patient outcomes in the ICU setting.


**2. Self-Assessment of Informatics Competencies and Action Plan:**


After completing the self-assessment of informatics competencies, I recognize areas for improvement in my proficiency with information technology and data management tools. To enhance my competencies, I plan to enroll in online courses or workshops focused on electronic health records (EHR) systems and data analytics. Additionally, I aim to seek opportunities for hands-on experience with informatics tools within my healthcare organization, such as participating in EHR optimization projects or serving as a superuser for new software implementations. By actively engaging in professional development activities and seeking mentorship from informatics experts, I am committed to advancing my informatics competencies and leveraging technology to improve patient care delivery in the ICU.


**3. Interaction with Information Systems in Healthcare:**


In a typical day of practice in the ICU, I interact with information systems (ISs) multiple times to access and document patient data, communicate with interdisciplinary team members, and facilitate care coordination. The ISs commonly used include the electronic health record (EHR) system, medication administration system, and clinical decision support tools. These ISs are primarily accessed through workstation computers stationed at the patient’s bedside or centralized nursing stations. Additionally, handheld devices, such as tablets or smartphones, equipped with secure messaging applications, enable real-time communication and access to patient information. The location and ease of access to ISs significantly impact patient care by facilitating timely information retrieval, efficient communication, and documentation accuracy, ultimately contributing to enhanced patient safety and clinical outcomes.


**4. Meeting Rights in Healthcare:**


If I could only meet two of the rights discussed in Chapter 2, I would choose to prioritize the right information to the right person at the right time and the right form. These rights are essential for promoting patient safety, facilitating clinical decision-making, and ensuring efficient care delivery. However, if I were to omit one of the rights, I would choose to forego the right information to the right form. While the format of information presentation impacts usability and comprehension, ensuring timely access to accurate and relevant information takes precedence in critical care settings where patient outcomes are time-sensitive. Therefore, prioritizing the delivery of pertinent information to the appropriate healthcare provider at the optimal time remains paramount for delivering high-quality patient care.


**5. References:**


Smith, J. A., & Doe, A. B. (Year). Title of the textbook. Publisher.


[Additional source if used]


Lastname, Initials., & Lastname, Initials. (Year). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page Range.

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