American Literature I Major Project (At the Movies!)TICKET AT THE MOVIESDirections: There’s nothing like a cinematic production to make history come alive! In this project,

American Literature I Major Project (At the Movies!)
Directions: There’s nothing like a cinematic production to make history come alive! In this project, you will watch, analyze, and compare a movie or musical (see movie / musical choices below) to a specific period (Unit 1, 2, or 3) that we have covered this semester. In a 4-5-page (1000-1250 words) double spaced comparative analysis:
Write an essay that has an introduction (with a thesis at the end), multiple body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Your thesis should address how accurately the movie reflects the time period. You will need to use the correct, complete MLA Heading and structure.
Include a brief summary of the movie (or musical) you watched
Include a brief summary of the time period and/or particular writing that the movie (or musical) represents. Focus on the major themes of the time period and / or writing.
Discuss how well the movie (or musical) represents the writing and/ or time period. Choose four themes of the writing and/or time period and compare to the specific scenes or themes in the movie. Are the themes of the writing and/or time period accurately portrayed in the movie (or musical)? Be specific.

Walt Whitman Poetry Discussion Board Post A
This is your last post! It’s so obvious how much American literature had evolved by the time Walt Whitman came on the scene! It’s an understatement to say that Jonathan Edwards and William Bradford would have been appalled by the content of Whitman’s prose and poetry.
With that said, please discuss your favorite of the three Whitman poems you were assigned to read. Explain why this poem is your favorite. Also, explain how and why this poem represents such a stark departure from the literature of Colonial America. As usual, be sure to include direct quotes and respond to two classmates’ posts.