Analyzing a terror threat is crucial to prevent any attacks and thwart future terrorist group activities (Sims, 2007). Ronczkowski (2018) describes six objectives that must be adhered to when analyzing intel related to homeland security efforts:.

The thread must be a minimum of 200-250 words. MINIMUM OF TWO SOURCES BESIDES THE TEXTBOOK. Must cite at least 2 sources in addition to the Bible.

TEXTBOOK: Prunckun, H. (2019). Counterintelligence theory and practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Inc. ISBN: 9781786606884.

Ronczkowski, M. R. (2018). Terrorism and organized hate crime. (4th ed.). Boca Raton FL: Taylor & Francis (CRC Press). ISBN: 9781138703469.




Terrorism Analysis 

Analyzing a terror threat is crucial to prevent any attacks and thwart future terrorist group activities (Sims, 2007). Ronczkowski (2018) describes six objectives that must be adhered to when analyzing intel related to homeland security efforts: 

Seek reported and unreported information as soon as possible to prevent any potential terror activity that could penetrate homeland security or cause terrorist-related activity. 
Confirm the authenticity and accuracy of all intel received, and never rule out any potential leads because of personal opinions or hunches.  
Know the data, intel resources, and capabilities of those resources. 
Do not become a ?one-dimensional analyst and instead look at all global factors, including the organization at hand? (Ronczkowski, 2018, p. 7). 
Do not get sidetracked on extremes and/or subjective conclusions. 
Immerse your efforts in the entire process.  

Assessment Factors 

When assessing risks of terror attacks, a four-level standardized system was developed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) to facilitate locating and gauging community risk (Byman, 2014). The four tiers consist of the following: 

 First priority level?fatal (functions that on failure could result in death, severe financial loss, or legal liability). 

 Second priority level?critical (functions that would be difficult to do without for any length of time). 

 Third priority level?important (functions that are not critical to an agency). 

 Fourth priority level?routine (functions that are not strategically important and that, if they fail, would only cause inconvenience).  

Furthermore, vulnerability assessments provide additional analyses on potential targets, which helps officials identify potential targets. According to Ronczkowski (2018), vulnerability assessments ?identifies weaknesses in physical structures, personnel protection systems, processes, or other areas that may be exploited by terrorists? (p. 200). These assessments are then analyzed to implement changes eliminate or mitigate the vulnerabilities. 

Analytical and Investigative Variables 

Ronczkowski (2018) notes that understanding the ?modus operandi? of a terror group is crucial. The criteria utilized includes the following: Capabilities, history, statements, support, intentions/causes/motivation, current and future capabilities, vulnerabilities of the organization, location of operation, dates of meaning or significance, membership, leadership (if any), threatening communication and attacks.  

Further, financing or aid highlights that after the ?form, type, classification, and modus operandi are established, there are a multitude of analytical and investigative variables to consider. These variables are used in link analysis or in charting an individual, group, or activity? (Ronczkowski, 2018, p. 185). Some of these components consist of, but aren?t limited to, the following: supporters, hierarchy, chain-of-command, political position, target selection, methods of attacks, weaponry, capabilities, motivations/goals, bases of operation, court/media records, historical references, training, locations, by whom, cultural references, cause, sponsor(s), religious motivations, ideology and beliefs, symbology, membership/makeup, numbers, recruitment, origin, financial considerations and income generation (Ronczkowski, 2018). 

Christian Worldview 

Proverbs 6:16-19 (English Standard Version) speaks of battling evil in the world, stating ?there are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.?  


Holy Bible (English Standard Version). Links to an external site. 

Prunckun, H. (2014). Extending the theoretical structure of intelligence to counterintelligence. Salus Journal, 2(2), 31-49. 

Prunckun, H. (2019). Counterintelligence theory and practice (2nd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield. 

Ronczkowski, M. R. (2018). Terrorism and organized hate crime. (4th ed.). Taylor & Francis (CRC Press). 

Salazar, J. (2018). Deception and counterintelligence. Retrieved from to an external site. 

Sims, J. (2007). Intelligence to counter terror: The importance of all-source fusion. Intelligence and National Security, 22(1), 38-56. 

Thomas, D. D., & Rishikof, H. (2016, February). Counterintelligence & insider threat detection. Presentation for Government Contractors Forum, Security Clearance and Insider Threat Boot Camp. Rutland. 

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