Answer the below-mentioned questions according to the text in the uploaded PDF d

Answer the below-mentioned questions according to the text in the uploaded PDF document. 
The following text is taken from Arendt, H. (1987).
Labor, Work, Action. In: Bernauer, S.J.J.W. (eds) Amor Mundi. Boston College
Studies in Philosophy, vol 26. Springer, Dordrecht. Please read the text
carefully and answer the following nine questions. You will not need extra
knowledge in order to do so; everything you need to know can be found in the
text itself. Word limits should be strictly observed.
Hannah Arendt says: “It is
only natural that active life has always been described by those who themselves
followed the contemplative way of life.” Why would that be the case? (30-50
How does Arendt explain the
traditionally higher esteem for contemplative life? (50-100 words)
How do you understand
Arendt’s claim that in modern times contemplation had become meaningless?  (50-100 words)
What do you take to be some
of the most important features of labour according to Arendt? Give a concrete
example that you do not find in the text. 
(100-150 words)
What do you take to be some
of the most important features of work according to Arendt? Give a concrete
example that you do not find in the text. 
(100-150 words)
What do you take to be some
of the most important features of action according to Arendt? Give a concrete
example that you do not find in the text. 
(100-150 words)
Why, as far as you can see,
does Arendt emphasise the importance of forgiveness and of making
promises?  (50-100 words)
Select a
sentence/passage/claim from the text that stands out for you. For example, you
may find it especially interesting, convincing, problematic, unconvincing, etc.
Explain why. (100-150 words)
Select a
sentence/passage/claim from the text that you find especially difficult to
comprehend. Try to formulate a question that, if answered, might help you
understand. (100-150 words)