Answer these questions in a narrative format. 12 pt font, Times New Roman, doubl

Answer these questions in a narrative format.
12 pt font, Times New Roman, double spaced, 1 inch margins
Canvas will not process .pages or txt files. You will need to upload a Word doc or PDF. All students have access to Microsoft 365 at to an external site.
No need to repeat the questions in your answers
500 words, minimum.
Make an appointment with the FC Writing CenterLinks to an external site. to get help on your draft before submitting it.
1. Consider Arirang. What were Dosan’s and Dr. Rhee’s signature contributions to the movement for Korean liberation? Do you connect their work with other Asian Americans we have learned about in this class? How? What are 5 new things you learned from it?
2. Arirang Part 2 has several elders in it who make pointed references/critiques of media portrayals of the riots. What were they? And, what was one glaring omission in Part 2? (Also, did you recognize Ralph Ahn (1926-2022), son of Dosan, in it? He played Mr. Tran in New Girl.)
3. Consider Sa-I-Gu: from Korean Women’s Perspectives. What were 5 things that stood out to you about the testimonies featured?
4. What is your knowledge of the L.A. uprisings? How did you react to KTown92Links to an external site.? What are 5 things you learned from Grace Lee’s interactive film?
5. If you are part of the Korean American community, has your family talked about surviving the war and/or living through Sa-I-Gu? If you are not part of the Korean American community, ask your elders & family members what their memories are of the 1992 events surrounding Rodney King and the Los Angeles K-Town riots and report on your findings. NB: This made global and national news for over a year. Southern Californians from all backgrounds were impacted by it.