Applied Business Research

Learning Outcomes:-

Collect, analyze, interpret and evaluate data and information generated by the research activity.
Critically evaluate a contemporary research area relating to the specialist area of their award.
Communicate research findings in a written manuscript that meets academic standards at degree level and professional standards of presentation.


It has been acknowledged by scholars that a positive customer shopping experience provides the store with a great competitive advantage among other businesses, due to emerging customer inclination to store patronization. Furthermore, continuous demand for value among these serves as a driver for further offer development by store chains.

However, several other researchers argue that stores experience both -inter and -intra-type competition. In other words, stores also compete for exceeding customer expectations of the shopping experience by offering extra all-inclusive products or services.

One of the objects of the current study in Singapore is the Clarke Quay Don Don Donki store. It has been affected by a similar issue. The current author decided to study perceptions of NIM students as customers of this store. In order to address both challenges discovered by Goodman and Remaud, an integrative conceptual framework based on works of various relevant authors was used.

Therefore, chapter two is going to provide an insight into the definition of the customer shopping experience, the significance of positive shopping experience, and the factors that constitute it; chapter three is going to explain which methods were used and why the author used them for research methodology.

Chapter four includes the analysis and interpretation that has been collected throughout questionnaire surveys along with the contrast of similar studies and relationship with collected surveys. Chapter five provides an overall conclusion together with recommendations and limitations of the study.

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