Assessment Task

Assessment Task 2
Personal Reflection: Understanding Myself Date due: Week 7 (22/10/2022 at 11:59PM)
Value: 30% Word Count: 1,200 words
Estimated Time: 20 hours (6 hours to scope your answers, 12 hours to write your answers, 2 hours to review and edit)
Referencing Style: Harvard Format: Report
The Task Answer 6 questions (usually 2 paragraphs per question) raised by your study of PSY100 to consider how your life has been shaped by external and internal factors. It is expected that your answers will be based upon stories of your life that illustrate the impact of these factors on your life. It is not expected that your personal stories will inappropriately breach the expectations of professional self-disclosure. This task follows on from Assessment 3 in which you considered factors influencing the life of a client (described in a case study). In this task you will consider the factors influencing your own life — your values, thoughts, and behaviours. This requirement for self-reflection is considered a crucial professional skill and a necessary component for empathy. For this task, think of yourself as a human services practitioner using their self-awareness to give clients an insight into how our feelings, thoughts, and behaviours are influenced by multiple factors. You will be provided with 10 questions prompted by our engagement with the various psychological theories discussed in PSY100. Four of these questions will be required, and the other two question can be selected from the pool of six remaining questions. 4 compulsory questions: 1. Explain how you use the ego to negotiate between the opposing forces of the id and the superego (give personal examples in your answer) 2. Drawing on your own experience do you place more emphasis on nature or nurture. Do you feel behaviour the result of the genetic makeup of a person, or the person’s environmental influences, or both? (give personal examples in your answer) 3. Describe your attachment style and explain how it developed and how it affects you as an adult. (give examples in your answer) 4. Based on Erikson’s stages of development, in which stage are you now? Compare your experience to the theory. Choose 2 questions from these 6 questions: 1. What habits shape your daily experience, for good or for bad? Describe a time when you have had to change a habit. 2. How will understanding your own attachment style help you when building a relationship with your clients. (give examples in your answer) 3. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? How does this impact on how you live life? 4. Would you describe yourself as an emotional person? How well do you identify and manage the positive and “negative” emotions in your life? 5. Explain how your beliefs about the world and yourself have developed. Explore some of your core beliefs and beliefs that formed later in life. 6. How important is having a sense of mission (or purpose) to your sense of personal wellbeing.
PSY100 Foundations of Psychology Page 17

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