Assignment   1:   E-resource                                                   

Assignment   1:   E-resource                                                        Word count: 2000
Learning Outcomes
Analyse and evaluate the theorists and research about Māori concepts of development linking to the Pacific and global perspectives of human development in relation to ECE (CPR.1:2;2:4;3:3:3;4:4).
Critically reflect on kaiako pedagogy on teaching that impact on the dispositional learning of infant, toddlers and young children (CPR.1:1;2:3:1;4:1).
This E-resource is outlined in four  parts:
Write an E-resource to explain and evaluate the theorists and research about Maori concepts of development. Link Maori and Pacific and global perspectives of human development in connection to ECE. This is to be written up using  a power point presentation. Please use up to 15 slides. Images may be used to support the E-resource information. This is to be uploaded to canvas for marking purposes. Relevant literature us with  in-text referencing needs to be clearly articulated and APA standard referencing 7th edition to be used accordingly.
There are 4 parts for this E-resource:
Part 1:
Karakia, Pepeha and whakatuaki to be on one slide. Outline a content page of what this E-resource is about and who it is designed for eg. Teachers or Parents. Human development concepts from a Maori perspective. Note one specific example of Tangaere (1997) article about ‘Maori human development learning theory’. Use other indigenous literature to support this.
Part  2:
Human development concepts from a Pacific perspective from Rombo (2006). Inclusive Education: policies, teachers’ attitudes and perspectives. Comtemporary PNG Studies: DWU Research Journal. Vol 5. p. 29-44. ONE example from an inclusive lens from a medical and social cultural framework. One example in total. Use other Pacific literature to support discussion.
Part  3:
Global life span notions of human development from Social Cultural perspectives using Bronfrenbenner’s Bioecological Model.  Darling, N. (2007). Ecological Systems Theory: The Person in the centre of the circles. Research Human Development. Choose ONE example to discuss.
Part 4:
Link all information researched to the ECE context.
Critically reflect on Kaiako pedagogy on teaching that effects the dispositional learning of infants, toddlers and young children.
Refer to Te Whariki, Tataiako, Tapasa and other relevant documents and literature in week 2 of module section of this paper. 
A total of 8-10 references to be used. 
APA standard referencing for in-text referencing  clearly articulated using APA standard referencing 7th edition to be used.
Task requirements:
Your E-resource should include:                
The format for this E-resource is to be uploaded as a power point presentation. Use up to 15 slides.
The first slide should be the title page and AI statement.
Karakia, pepeha and whakatuaki to be on one slide.
An introduction that explains  what the topics  will be and why it is important.
A succinct description of ONE Maori human development concept (Tangaere reading). Use other indigenous literature to support.
A discussion of ONE Pacific example  to support the continuous progress of children’s learning from an indigenous lens. (Rombo reading). Use other Pasifika indigenous literature to support.
A clearly articulated description of a global perspective (Bronfrenbrenner – Darling reading). One concept to used. Use other literature to support discussion.
Detailed link of how theories and philosophies impacting teaching practice and children’s learning dispositions.
A conclusion that summarises the main points of your workshop.
A reference list following APA (7th) guidelines. In-text referencing necessary.
Use appropriate font size for slides.
Education documents to be used and relevant literature.
Relevant images maybe used in the E-resource.
You may also use headings if needed throughout the slides.