Assignment Instructions: Please provide an example of a conflict situation (professional or personal) you were aware of (no matter if you were directly involved or not). Describe the way the conflict was solved and answer the following questions:
Which one of the five conflict resolution techniques proposed by Thomas-Kilmann was used? Justify your answer. For more details regarding the conflict resolution techniques you can watch this short video:
Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument – YouTube
Reflecting now on that particular situation, which conflict resolution techniques do you think that would have been a better option? Justify your answer.
Required: Your example and answers should be between 500 – 750 words. Please consider carefully the level of information that you are willing to disclose and anonymize it (avoid using names of people, locations, companies).
The paper needs to be in APA format (use attached 7th Ed. APA formatted document). Include a title page and reference page. These pages do not count toward the page count. Include at least one outside resource that supports your answers.
Make sure your submittal is professional, proper sentence structure, grammatically correct and no spelling errors.
Save the document with your last name (i.e. Johnson.docx)
Rubric: Review the grading rubric, below, prior to submission.
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