ASSIGNMENT LEARNING GOALS: This group assignment will have you think through your final intervention description and articulate the rationale in how your intervention will achieve the intended health outcomes. Presenting a clear and concise description of your intervention that includes a strong rationale of the mechanism through which your proposed intervention will affect positive change is a central aspect of a successful proposal for funding.
The part 4 of the Case Study assignment is divided into two parts: Part 4a – Detail the problem statement, intervention description, and logic model (due this week); and Part 4b (next week’s assignment): Describe the workplan, timeline, human resources, and budget for your intervention (due next week).
1) Problem Statement and Intervention description: Your description should identify the level(s) at which you are intervening within your target community (e.g. intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational, community, policy, structural).
A) Provide a concise problem statement (2-4 sentences). Please keep in mind that in real world situations, a problem statement would be clarified with stakeholders using existing research evidence.
for a template to help guide development of your problem statement.
B) Provide a summary of your proposed intervention in 1-2 sentences to make it clear what your intervention plans to do.
C) Explain the details of your intervention strategy including the evidence base for your intervention. Include a narrative description of your logic model. This should include an explanation of the inputs to the intervention and the connection between inputs, activities and outputs and outcomes. The intervention description should also include an explanation of why and how the intervention addresses the identified needs and builds upon existing assets and capacities (from Group Assignment #1). It should demonstrate how theor(ies) of health behavior change, existing evidence, and community engagement inform your proposed intervention.
This section should be less than 600 words.
2) Logic model: Include a figure/diagram depicting your intervention logic model with the inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impact clearly labeled.
Note: The intervention description, the implementation plan, the timeline, budget and management plan, should be consistent with your logic model. Make sure that the components represented in your logic model are included in your intervention description.
Your logic model should fit on 1 page. You may submit as separate document or integrate into your document (tip: use ‘section breaks’ in Microsoft word documents if you need to include a landscape-orientation figure)
To help you with this assignment here is an example of an assignment submission => SAMPLE: Vaping
This is meant to provide you with one idea of how you might outline describe your intervention – please use your own wording. Please try your best to be concise in your descriptions.
Logic Model and Implementation Plan Rubric (1)
Logic Model and Implementation Plan Rubric (1)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem Statement & Intervention descriptionProblem statement is clear and concise.
The level/s of the intervention is/are defined per the socio-ecologic framework;
Aligns with identified needs, assets, and capacities;
Explains how health behavior theory, evidence, and community engagement will affect change leading to the intended health outcome.
Overall intervention strategy is described
2 pts
Full Marks
Thoroughly describes the intervention
1 pts
Partial Marks
Has some intervention description but does not completely meet the grading criteria.
0 pts
No Marks
Little to no description of the intervention
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgram Logic modelInputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impact are included and clearly labeled;
Clear flow of logic;
Quantitative details when appropriate
Dependencies are carefully considered (precursor elements are explicit and present);
Appropriate classification of outputs vs. outcomes
Outcomes described in SMART format
2.5 pts
Full Marks
Meets all aspects of logic model criteria (including inputs activities outputs outcomes and impacts); includes appropriate, clear dependencies and outputs –> outcomes
1.25 pts
Partial Marks
Has some parts of the logic model but missing at least one component (e.g., inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and/or impacts); Additionally, dependencies are not explicitly described; Outputs vs. Outcomes are inappropriate or do not make sense.
0 pts
No Marks
Missing multiple elements required in a logic model
2.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePaper FormattingAssignment adheres to project guidelines (follows instructions, page limits, etc.);
Assignment is free of typos and grammatical errors;
Reference list is included with appropriate referencing within the assignment
0.5 pts
Full Marks
No missing elements in terms of appropriate formatting and/or typos or grammatical errors Reference list and correct referencing throughout the assignment)
0.38 pts
Partial Marks
Missing a few elements in terms of appropriate formatting and/or a few typos or grammatical errors; Minor errors in referencing throughout the assignment
0 pts
No Marks
Missing multiple elements in terms of appropriate formatting and/or multiple typos or grammatical errors No reference list (or several incorrect referencing throughout the assignment)
0.5 pts
Total Points: 5
Below is where we started a draft but complete the work about lgbtq substance abuse follow the guide