Author’s Name: Reviewer’s Name: Part 1: Audience Analysis 1 Identify the audienc

Author’s Name:
Reviewer’s Name:
Part 1: Audience Analysis
1 Identify the audience:
2. Create your own brief Audience Profile
Audience Beliefs
etc. as necessary
Part 2: Thesis Evaluation
A. Evaluate the case claim/thesis:
i. Identify and evaluate any qualifiers
ii.Identify and Evaluate any exceptions
Part 3: Body Paragraph Argument Evaluation
Reason 1:
1. What makes this reason relevant?
2. What makes this reason good? (How does it appeal to the values shared by the intended audience? What suggestions would you offer to improve the appeal to the audience?
3. What evidence supports this reason?
i. Explain why this evidence is relevant (and how you would improve it).
ii. Explain why this evidence is sufficient (and how you would improve it).
4. Evaluate how the author addresses the most likely objections from the skeptical reader.
i. What suggestions would you make to raise and disarm the most likely objections from the skeptical reader?
REPEAT PART 3 as necessary for each of the Reasons the author writers.
NOTE: A reason may be a single paragraph, or a larger section of the essay dealing with a single argument supporting the thesis.
Part 4: Body Conclusion/Call to Action
1. Evaluate the conclusion and explain your answer.
2. Is the call to action specific and clearly related to the overall argument? What suggestions can you make about the call to action?
Part 5: overall Evaluation Comments
1. Identify the best part of the essay and EXPLAIN why it is the best.
2. Identify the area that needs the most improvement and EXPLAIN why and how you would improve it.
3. Identify the best example of RCES and explain why it is the best. (You can pick an example that best demonstrates on of the RCES elements or more than one).
4. Identify and explain any logical fallacies.