BCH3ATB Advanced Topics In Biochemistry, Assignment, LTU

The supplementary assessment for BCH3ATB consists of a series of essays which cover key learning objectives of the lecture material (a minimum total of 3500 words). You are encouraged to use textbooks and lecture notes to initially explore these topics, but your essays should reference primary sources. You will need to reference your essays using the Harvard (author-date) style for intext citations. In text citations do not contribute to the minimum word-count.

You should also use figures where appropriate. All figures must be your own work – “cutting and pasting” from other sources is not allowed. Figures should include a title and caption (which do not contribute to the minimum word-count).

Format your essays using Times New Roman font (size 12) and with single spacing. Your essays should be submitted as a single file to Turnitin via LMS (a submission link labelled ‘Additional Task Submission’ will be created for you). You will be able to view the originality report before final submission.

The criteria for this assignment are:

Completion of all essay topics.
Demonstrating an understanding of each of the essay topics by virtue of clear explanations and labelled diagrams.
Attention to detail in terms of formatting, typography, spelling and grammar.
In-text citations and end of document bibliography
The essays should conform to the La Trobe standards for academic integrity and be referenced appropriately.
At least one figure per section (A, B, C, D) needs to be made (not copied) with corresponding title and caption.
Minimum word count must be met for each question

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Section A

I).  Describe the fluid-mosaic model of the membrane bilayer as initially theorized by Singer and Nicholson (1972). Discuss how our understanding of the membrane bilayer has changed over time. In your answer describe the experiments and new techniques in cell biology which have led to our current understanding. (Minimum of 500 words) This is the minimum 500-word essay required for **Section A Part I**. Let me know if you need help with additional topics or sections!

II) Provide an overview of how aberrant signalling in the MAPK pathway can lead to cancer. (Minimum of 250 words)

Section B

I. Compare and contrast the different preclinical mouse cancer models. What are their advantages and disadvantages? In your answer make sure you describe both syngeneic mouse models and humanized mouse models and explain which is more useful for developing targeting cancer immunotherapies. (Minimum of 500 words)

II .What is FRAP microscopy? How does it work? In your answer describe a specific example of how FRAP microscopy has been applied to study an aspect of cell biology. (Minimum of 250 words)

III. Describe the two key signalling pathways involved in mechano-transduction? How does crosstalk between mechanical and biochemical signals help coordinate development? (Minimum of 250 words)

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Section C

I. Describe how the eukaryotic cell cycle is regulated. In your answer explain how external signals are integrated into cell cycle control and the internal control mechanisms that operate at the three main cell cycle checkpoints. (Minimum of 500 words)

II. Describe the structure and function of the cell polarity protein, Scrib (Scribble). Describe its role as a tumour suppressor and also its role in cancer metastasis. (Minimum of 500 words)

Section D Describe our current understanding of apoptosis. In your answer:

I. Outline the key features of both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of apoptosis.

II.Explain how these pathways converge and describe the effectors of apoptotic cell death.

III. Explain how apoptosis contributes to innate cell defence and how viruses have evolved mechanisms to circumvent apoptosis of infected cells.

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