BCLO002: Explain operations management and discuss the transformation process in the context of your work or workplace: Operations Management Assignment, TP

A) Introduction of the Organisation / Company

a. Provide a brief introduction of the organization you work for and your job scope.

b. Explain operations management and discuss the transformation process in the context of your work or workplace. (How you contribute to adding value to the work processes you are involved in).

B) Analysis of Process Design and Layout a. Provide evidence to demonstrate your understanding of process design (work practices/processes) at your workplace, e.g. what factors are taken into consideration, does re-design (can be improvements helping to make process better) take place and what drives the re-design, etc. (Alternatively, you can discuss your understanding of the layout at your workplace.

How re-layout helps to improve workflow efficiency). b. Does your workplace adopt standardisation or mass customisation in the design of your product or service? If yes, discuss and support with evidence. c. You may illustrate your understanding of service blueprint using one of the processes at your workplace.

C) Process / Quality Tools Demonstrate the use of ANY TWO (2) quality tools (e.g. flow chart, Pareto chart, fishbone diagram, etc.) that you can apply to your work. How does the application of quality tools help in process improvements? (e.g. time saving to complete work tasks)

D) Operational Management Issues Discuss AT LEAST TWO (2) operational management issues relating to your work areas.

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