BEHS 364 Discussion 6 Identify two elements of dependence from the Diagnosis of Substance Use Disorders

BEHS 364 Discussion 6 Identify two elements of dependence from the Diagnosis of Substance Use Disorders

BEHS 364 Discussion 6 Identify two elements of dependence from the Diagnosis of Substance Use Disorders

Elements of Dependence

One element of dependence on alcohol use disorder according to DSM-V is giving up important occupational, social, or recreational activities by making drinking the most important thing in one’s life (Hasin et al., 2013). This element of dependence can lead to various psychosocial or environmental problems. For example, giving drinking alcohol importance over social activities with family or parental duties creates a dispute with the primary support system, which is the family. Similarly, a person who is dependent on alcohol and gives drinking priority will neglect their employment duties by either showing up drunk, which is unprofessional or missing work often. The consequence of such behavior is loss of job, which cause problems in maintaining proper occupation. Without occupation, one is at risk of encountering housing problems because of a lack of consistent income to pay rent or mortgage. Additionally, without occupation and stable income, a person with alcohol use disorder will clash with their partner and other family members because of the inability to meet financial responsibilities such as paying bills; hence, problems with the primary support system (Kranzler & Soyka, 2018).

The second element of dependence is continuing to drink despite having knowledge that it causes physical and psychological problems and continued drinking is likely to exacerbate health outcomes (Kranzler & Soyka, 2018). Disregarding one’s health can cause psychosocial problems with the primary support group because it is challenging to care for someone who seems to be negligent about their health. Similarly, this element of dependence will lead to occupational problems because of poor health, leading to high rates of absenteeism and loss of productivity (Sugaya et al., 2021). Similarly, dependence is related to social problems because of the inability to function normally due to psychological and physical impairment.

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BEHS 364 Discussion 6 Identify two elements of dependence from the Diagnosis of Substance Use Disorders References

Hasin, D., O’Brien, C., Auriacombe, M., Borges, G., Bucholz, K., Budney, A., . . . Petry, N. (2013). DSM-5 Criteria for Substance Use Disorders: Recommendations and Rationale. American Journal of Psychiatry, 170(8), 834-51. https://doi.10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.12060782.

Kranzler, H., & Soyka, M. (2018). Diagnosis and Pharmacotherapy of Alcohol Use Disorder: A Review. JAMA, 28;320(8), 815-824. https://doi.10.1001/jama.2018.11406.

Sugaya, N., Yamamoto, T., Suzuki, N., & Uchiumi, C. (2021). Alcohol Use and Its Related Psychosocial Effects during the Prolonged COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: A Cross-Sectional Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 8(24):13318. https://doi.10.3390/ijerph182413318.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition, Alcohol Use Disorder(AUD) is defined as a maladaptive pattern of alcohol use, leading to clinical significant impairment or distress, as manifested by tolerance and withdrawal occurring at any time in the same 12-months.

Identify two elements of dependence from the Diagnosis of Substance Use Disorders: Diagnostic Criteria article and explain how these two elements can lead to psychosocial or environmental problems. Also, respond to two posts providing an example of psychosocial or environmental problem associated with an element of dependence identified by two classmates.

Below is a list of categories of Psychosocial or Environmental Problems:
•Problems with primary support group
•Problems related to the social environment
•Educational problems
•Occupational problems
•Housing problems

Please note the grading criteria from the syllabus:

Discussion Participation (15%)

Grading Rubric and Participation Requirements


A. 1 primary post (New Topic) as your initial discussion post thread – min. 200 words/post

B. 2 secondary responses (Respond) to classmates – min. 100 words/post