Being the procrastinator that I am, I left my work for the last minute and need some help doing a paper while I catch up on my final exams. It should be a paper which focuses on research and analysis of the Chinese / Taiwan war from an international realation perspective.
“The Tawian-China Conflict: An Analysis” – (please title it this)
Resources: Aiming for one citation per paragraph. Can be Academic articles (International Relation journals for example), Encyclopedias, Newspapers, or even magazines.
Citations: All sources, quotes and paragraphes have to be cited with APA in-text citations immediately after being referenced in the paragraphs.
Page Limit: Should be 6 pages but can go up to 7.
Write a 5 paragraph paper analyzing the causes of the Chinese / Taiwan conflict.
Paragraph 1: Introduction. Must have a brief intro to the conflict including the main belligerents, and a brief timeline of the conflict, along with a brief list of the competing accounts of the causes of the conflict. Finally, must end with the thesis statement (should account the causes of the war that you belive is most convincing and why.
Paragraph 2: Literature Review. Must have a brief summary of the competing accounts of the causes of the war or conflit. Also, must have an account of the theories in international relations used by each account. Finally, it must have an acocunt of the paradigm in International relations that each connects to, and how it does so. Basically, briefly match up the most prevalent perspectives of the causes for the Chinese/Taiwanese conflict with the 3 worldviews in International relations, being:
Realism (the view that States all act the same because they all are rationally interested in their survival, and that beside the State, there is no central authority in International relations.)
Liberalism (the view that States are limited in authority via the guarantee of individual rights. It assumes that cooperation (economic and politically) is both possible and a responsibility of states so as to uphold human rights).
Idealism (the view that States are called to behave by transcendent moral values and standards, specifically when it comes to international relations. For example, a state should not go to war because there are more favourable and effective ways of resolving conflict, such as knowledge, reason, compassion, and self-restraint.)
Paragraph 3: Best explanation. Must include a detailed description of the explanation of the cause of the Chinese/taiwanese conflict that you found most convincing. Also, explain why you find this account most convinving, provide scholarly evidence that supports your position. (in-text) citation required).
Would probably be helpful to include or tie in one of the paradigms (realism, Liberalism, Idealism) in here.
Paragraph 4: Counter arguments. Must include a detailed account of one or two alternative explanations for the conflict between China and Taiwan that is mentioned in literature review (cite this as well). Explain why this or these caccounts disagree with the explantion that you find most convincing.
Paragraph 5: Conclsion. Must restate your thesis. Include some general considerations of the causes of war: what does this conflict between China and Taiwan teach us about the causes of war (the answer will be based of of what paradigm you went with in the previous paragraphs.)
And that should be it. I appreciate it. Actually, I should mention that although the paper itself is not required to be written in APA (except the citations and Works Cited page at the end), it may be easier to stick with it as you will need to have the format for citations anyways. This means 12 point font, one inch margins, double spaced, page numbers, etc. Thanks.
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