Briefly discuss the definition of trauma from a psychological perspective and how it can impact mental health. This point here could be a book in itself so be careful about getting sucked into a rabbit hole! Just focus on demonstrating your general understanding of this knowledge so you can move on to art therapy specifically.

Your extra credit assignment is to write a 6-8 page research paper on art therapy trauma treatment. This paper is to be in APA 7th edition format with a title page and reference page (no abstract required) and have a minimum of at least 6 academic sources. You can use my lecture as a jumping off point but please do not cite the lecture. There is a significant amount of literature on this topic so finding sources should be relatively easy. The textbook has chapters on neuroscience and trauma treatment that may be helpful, including a list of references at the end of each chapter. If you do not have the textbook, there are two copies of it on reserve at the library that you can use and there is a PDF version on Canvas. If you are unsure how to effectively find references or that your known techniques for finding references is not working, I highly recommend you utilize the library’s psychology research guide or schedule an appointment with your librarian Hilary Smith for additional support.

If you have questions about the mechanics of writing this paper (structure, formatting, grammar, editing etc.) I highly recommend you utilize the Learning and Academic Resource Center. They operate a writing center to support in these areas.

In your research paper please address the following points:

1)    Briefly discuss the definition of trauma from a psychological perspective and how it can impact mental health. This point here could be a book in itself so be careful about getting sucked into a rabbit hole! Just focus on demonstrating your general understanding of this knowledge so you can move on to art therapy specifically.

2)    Discuss the unique advantages of art therapy treatment for trauma. What about art therapy makes it a preferred treatment option? Why is it unique in its benefits compared to other available treatments?

3)    Please make sure to include why art therapy is advantageous for trauma treatment from a neuroscience perspective. Your entire paper does not need to be devoted to this perspective, but it should be included.