BSE309: Design a year-long, periodised mental training programme for the National Youth Training Squads for 2024: Applied Sport Psychology Assignment, SUSS

Question 1
(a) Design a year-long, periodised mental training programme for the National Youth Training Squads for 2024. You may assume that the teams’ major competition will be held in December 2024. Support your programme with  evidence-based research and best practices. Suggested word count: 700 words (40 marks)

(b) Choose ANY ONE (1) of the mental skills planned in Question 1(a) and prepare a 30- mins applied mental skills workshop. Overall, you need to prepare (i) a session Lesson Plan, (ii) a workshop PowerPoint™ deck, and (ii) an accompanying athlete worksheet. Note:

Your lesson plan should detail how the workshop session should be conducted.
Your PPT™ deck must have a cover page (with names of your group members), 4 to 6 slides, and a reference list.
Your athlete worksheet must minimally be one full page, but not more than three (3) pages.
 Marking criteria for Question 1(b) submission are:
(i) lesson plan has clarity, good structure, and a clear road map for facilitator,
(ii) PPT™ deck is logical, smooth flowing and logically linked, with key
information presented neatly and professionally,
(iii) worksheet handout has good guidance and clarity for participants.

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