BUS5023 Digital and Social Media Marketing Social Media Audit and Campaign Plan

BUS5023 Digital and Social Media Marketing

Social Media Audit and Campaign Plan

This price is for the complete assessment of 4000 words which includes component A and B, the report part and the presentation.

Date for Submission: Please refer to the timetable on ilearn

(The submission portal on ilearn will close at 14:00 UK time on the date of submission)

Assignment Brief

As part of the formal assessment for the programme you are required to submit a Digital and Social Media Marketing assignment. Please refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.

Learning Outcomes:

After completing the module, you should be able to:

Apply the fundamental planning concepts when developing digital and social media marketing campaigns.Explore the range of digital marketing channels available to organisations to undertake social media marketing planning.Analyse consumer motivations in terms of user generated content and the associated impact of this, on a firm`s marketing communications.Effectively develop a digital marketing campaign with a focus on social media.Discipline Expertise: knowledge and understanding of chosen field. Students will possess a range of skills to operate within this sector, have a keen awareness of current developments in working practice and be well positioned to respond to change.

All learning outcomes must be met to pass the module.


Your assignment should include: a title page containing your student number, the module name, the submission deadline and the exact word count of your submitted document; the appendices if relevant; and a reference list in AU Harvard system(s). You should address all the elements of the assignment task listed below. Please note that tutors will use the assessment criteria set out below in assessing your work.

You must not include your name in your submission because Arden University operates anonymous marking, which means that markers should not be aware of the identity of the student. However, please do not forget to include your STU number.

Maximum word count: 4000 words total for both components combined. 2000 words for component A – Social Media Audit, and 2000 words equivalent for component B – Social Media Campaign Plan Presentation.

Please refer to the full word count policy which can be found in the Student Policies section here: Arden University | Regulatory Framework

Please note the following:

Students are required to indicate the exact word count on the title page of the assessment.

The word count includes everything in the main body of the assessment (including in text citations and references). The word count excludes numerical data in tablesfigures, diagrams, footnotes, reference list and appendices. ALL other printed words ARE included in the word count.

Please note that exceeding the word count by over 10% will result in a 10-percentage point deduction

Assignment Task

Component A – Report

Select a product, service or organisation of your choice and analyse its current social media strategy. After conducting your analysis, provide recommendations for improvement.

Your report should include:



Mark Allocation

Background context

There is an introduction to the chosen organisation/product/service.

A brief history of the organisation/product/service is discussed together with any other product/service offerings.


Social media inventory

The current social media platforms the organisation/product/service uses are identified.

How often is content posted on each channel?

What social media objective(s) is the organisation/product/service trying to achieve?

What type of strategies are being used by the organisation/product/service to achieve objective(s)? How are these strategies spread over the various channels? E.g., Does Facebook have a lot of video content competitions, whilst Instagram contains more images and user generated content? (This section should NOT contain any discussion around the performance of any of the channels and/or content, that will app in the next section).

How does the above compare against the main competitors in the space? Do they also pursue similar objectives? Are their strategies also similar? If not, what are the main differences?


Current Performance

The performance of each social media channel identified in the previous section is analysed in terms of:

What type of content is working well and why?

What type of content is not working well and why?



Given the audit of current performance in the previous section, key recommendations improving the organisation’s social media performance are outlined.

The recommendations show consideration for the successful activities of competitors, as well as wider academic theory and frameworks. They can include the introduction of additional social channels.



The audit is underpinned by a wide range of academic sources that are correctly referenced. Please note, there is not a minimum number of sources that must be included, with the general rule being the more sources cited the better.





(2000 Words)

(60 Marks) (LOs: All)

End of questions

Formative Feedback

You have the opportunity to submit a draft to receive formative feedback.

The feedback is designed to help you develop areas of your work and it helps you develop your skills as an independent learner.

If you are a distance learning student, you should submit your work, by email, to your tutor, no later than 2 weeks before the actual submission deadline. If you are a blended learning student, your tutor will give you a deadline for formative feedback and further details.

Formative feedback will not be given to work submitted after the above date or the date specified by your tutor – if a blended learning student

Referencing Guidance

You MUST underpin your analysis and evaluation of the key issues with appropriate and wide ranging academic research and ensure this is referenced using the AU Harvard system(s).

Follow this link to find the referencing guides for your subject: Arden Library

Submission Guidance

Assignments submitted late will not be accepted and will be marked as a 0% fail.

Your assessment can be submitted as a single Word (MS Word) or PDF file, or, as multiple files.

If you chose to submit multiple files, you must name each document as the question/part you are answering along with your student number ie Q1 Section A STUXXXX. If you wish to overwrite your submission or one of your submissions, you must ensure that your new submission is named exactly the same as the previous in order for the system to overwrite it.

You must ensure that the submitted assignment is all your own work and that all sources used are correctly attributed. Penalties apply to assignments which show evidence of academic unfair practice. (See the Student Handbook which is available on the A-Z key information on iLearn.)

Assessment Criteria (Learning objectives covered – all.

Level 5 reflects the continuing development in knowledge, understanding and skills from Level 4. At Level 5, students are not expected to be fully autonomous but are able to take responsibility for their own learning with appropriate guidance and direction. Students are expected to further develop their theoretical knowledge within a more intellectual context and to demonstrate this through more complex forms of expression which move beyond the descriptive or imitative domain.

Students are expected to demonstrate skills of analysis in both problem-solving and resolution.




Generic Assessment Criteria

First (1)


An outstanding information base exploring and analysing the discipline, its theory and any associated ethical considerations. There is sophisticated use and management of learning resources, and a high degree of autonomy is demonstrated. Writing is outstandingly well structured and accurately referenced throughout. Where appropriate, outstanding professional skills are demonstrated. The work is original and with some additional effort could considered for internal publication.



An excellent knowledge base within which the discipline is explored and analysed. There is a degree of originality in the approach. The work demonstrates confidence and autonomy and extends to consider ethical issues. Learning resources have been managed confidently. Writing is exceptionally well structured and accurately referenced throughout. Where appropriate, an excellent level of professional skills is demonstrated, and the work demonstrates a high level of intellectual and academic skills.

Upper second (2:1)


A very good knowledge base which explores and analyses the discipline, its theory, and any associated ethical issues. There is evidence of some originality and independence of thought. A very good range of learning resources underpin the work and there is evidence of growing confidence and self-direction. The work demonstrates the ability to analyse the subject and apply theory with good academic and intellectual skills. Academic writing skills are very good, expression is accurate overall, and the work is consistently referenced throughout.

Lower second (2:2)


A good understanding of the discipline which begins to analyse the subject and apply some underpinning theory. There may be reference to some of the ethical considerations. The work shows a sound level of competence in managing basic sources and materials. Academic writing skills are good and accurate overall, and the work is planned and structured with some though. Professional skills are good (where appropriate). The work lacks original thought, but academic and intellectual skills are moving into the critical domain. The work is referenced throughout.

Third (3)


Satisfactory level of performance in which there are some omissions in understanding the subject, its underpinning theory, and ethical considerations. There is little evidence of independent thought, and the work shows a basic use of sources and materials. Academic and intellectual skills are limited. The work may lack structure overall. There are some difficulties in developing professional skills (where appropriate). There is an attempt to reference the work.




Marginal Fail


A limited piece of work in which there are clear gaps in understanding the subject, its underpinning theory, and ethical considerations. The work shows a limited use of sources and materials. Academic and professional skills are weak and there are errors in expression and the work may lack structure overall. There are difficulties in developing professional skills (where appropriate). The work lacks original thought and is largely imitative.

Clear fail

29% and Below

A poor performance in which there are substantial gaps in knowledge and understanding, underpinning theory and ethical considerations. The work shows little evidence in the use of appropriate sources and materials. Academic writing skills are very weak and there are numerous errors in expression. The work lacks structure overall. Professional skills (where appropriate) are not developed. The work is imitative.