Carefully read the scenario given below and write an essay;
Essay length: maximum 10 pages typed (using font 12 and 1.5 spacing);
Use Harvard Referencing system and acknowledgeal sources of literatureyou will use;
Consult not less than 10 literature sources;
Write in coherent English;
Clearly indicate your name, computer number, tutorial time and tutoron the cover page;
Due date: Friday, 17thMay, 2024 between 15.00 to 17.00 hours in Room 208.
Late submissionwon’t be tolerated.
Imagine youjustgoton a bus, which is waiting for another customer,and you sit in between two men,
and they are in a heated debate about development. From their conversationyou overhear one of them,
with a bodheadand a penci thin moustachesaying to his friend ‘no ways, it is not that easy, development
is a controversial concept.’And quickly, the other one, with a dirty and torn t-shirt, while shaking his head,
interjects sayingto his friend ‘maybe you are rightmy friend, but I think CDF will bring meaningful
development.’ You get so excited and you want to join this conversation alas the conductor shouts, ‘hey,
you twoover there, didn’t you say you are getting off at Kamwala?’ One of thetwo menresponds to the
conductor, ‘sorry boyi, yawama nkani’ and they bothstand up and get off the bus.
As the bus starts off heading in the direction of Lusaka city centre, what thetwo people were talking about
takes you back to the Introduction to Development Studies (DEV 1150)class. You get lostin your own
thoughts wondering,‘why is it thatno matter how development is definedor theorized, it has not been
easy to achieveit?And worse off, why is Zambia, among other countries,still struggling in the name of
developmenteven after more than 50 years of independence’. f you had the opportunity to participate in
the conversation with the two passengers, how would you educatethem on what deveopment is
including their varied concerns on likely outcome of CDF.
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