CASE STUDY Anna Frisch at Aesch AG: Initiating lateral change  Summative assessm

CASE STUDY Anna Frisch at Aesch AG: Initiating lateral change  Summative assessment
This module will be assessed through an individual report on a case study called “Organisational
Change Development Plan” which you will be provided with in week one.
The assessment will be based on case study material which will be provided electronically via Moodle
or download instructed via email. Please read the “Assessment case studies brief” that is provided on
Moodle for further administrative details.
The report will require you to investigate a situation of organizational change, analyzing the multiple
causes, organizational and social consequences, using academic and professional literature to support
your findings. Your report will also include recommendations to lead and manage organisational change,
reflecting on appropriate leadership styles, employees’ engagement and organisational development.
Formative feedback
There will be one formative assessment in the form of a poster presentation.
You may additionally seek oral feedback on your summative draft in progress.
Note however that we will not provide any written or marks indicative feedback on drafts for summative
assessment at any time. Should you perceive any formative feedback such way, then please note that
it is not binding for your marking. Markers can also always change and you have no entitlement to be
marked by the module convener or tutors.