Case Study: The UK regional director for German-based Danlaw Manufacturing has recently met with the Board of one of their key supplies, EB Electronics in the UK, for the first time. She has a number of concerns regarding a seemingly over-reliance on outsourcing from one country, potential ethical issues in the supply chain and how their trade may be affected by BREXIT. Your Senior International Director wants a full report! Your Task: Based on the case study above, write a full report to your Senior International Director that will be presented at the Danlaw Board of Directors meeting. Draw on academic and good business sources to: (1) Critically discuss why the sourcing of electronic components may be a concern, including conflict minerals, child labour and human slavery; (20%) (2) Critically evaluate the

Case Study:
The UK regional director for German-based Danlaw Manufacturing has recently met with the Board of one of their key supplies, EB Electronics in the UK, for the first time. She has a number of concerns regarding a seemingly over-reliance on outsourcing from one country, potential ethical issues in the supply chain and how their trade may be affected by BREXIT.
Your Senior International Director wants a full report!

Your Task:
Based on the case study above, write a full report to your Senior International Director that will be presented at the Danlaw Board of Directors meeting. Draw on academic and good business sources to:
(1) Critically discuss why the sourcing of electronic components may be a concern, including conflict minerals, child labour and human slavery; (20%)
(2) Critically evaluate the supply chain for electronic components and EB’s seemingly over-reliance on outsourcing from Japan; (25%)
(3) Critically evaluate the risks and uncertainties surrounding BREXIT and how it may affect trade between Danlaw Manufacturing and EB Electronics; (20%)
(4) Critically discuss the challenges of integrating EB Electronics into the Danlaw way of doing business. You should draw from across the unit to include economic, political, social, and cultural concerns (25%)
Make sure that for each task discussed, you include positive approaches to responsibility that can be taken to overcome the issues identified.