Chapter 11. Gothic Art and Architecture. Art 101
1. Read chapter 11, Gothic Art in the book.
2. Watch the video lecture.
3. Watch and read any supplemental materials.
Below is a 3 minute video on the fire that destroyed the roof at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. If you remember in chapter 10 , they decided to start making stone ceiling to prevent fires. The stone ceiling in Notre Dame survived. The wood roof burned. to an external site.
A Rare Renaissance Panel Found Hanging Over a Stove in a French Home Has Been Acquired by the Louvre
The work, which marks the advent of painting in pre-Renaissance Italy, was declared a French “national treasure.” to an external site.
Chapter 11.Part 1. Gothic Art Links to an external site.
Chapter11. Part2. Gothic Art Links to an external site.
Quiz. Chaper11. Gothic Art
1. Name of the object in the picture.
2 Where is it from, this provides context, ( not where is it now, many are in museums scattered around the world).
3. When was it made.
4. What does the book say it’s function or purpose was. Links to an external site.
As usual this video will self destruct in 5 seconds (not really).