Choose ONE SPECIFIC AREA where you feel prejudice, discrimination, or stereotyping is a problem (e.g. prejudice, discrimination or stereotyping based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, religion, social economic status, size/shape, etc.).
Find at least THREE SOURCES that discuss this specific area. At least one of these resources must be a professional psychology/academic journal. Your textbookshould also be one of your sources.
Discuss and summarize each resource (i.e. textbook, scholarly articles, credible websites) using critical thinking skills.
Using your resources, objectively describe the problem and the associated costs to victims.
Discuss the goals served by prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping, in general. You may discuss as many goals of prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping as you like but be sure to include AT LEAST TWO of the goals discussed in the textbook in your discussion:
Supporting and protecting one’s group
Seeking social approval
Managing self-image
Seeking mental efficiency
Using critical thinking explain the specific issue of prejudice, discrimination, or stereotyping that you selected from the perspective of the TWO the goals (from above) that you chose. Discuss how each goal contributes to the problem.
Discuss strategies to help reduce this specific prejudice, discrimination, or stereotype.
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