Clinical Reflection on Practice

Clinical Reflection on Practice: Gibb Cycle- Nursing Report Writing Assignment


Aim of assessment:
Professionals require a portfolio to demonstrate their experience, ongoing professional development and reflections on those experiences and activities. This assessment aims to enhance students’ understanding of the professional obligation of nurses to keep a portfolio. The reflections/ blogs are documents that students can revisit and develop during their nursing degree and throughout their professional career.

Step 1:
During week 2, week 4 and week 10 the first 15 minutes of Workshop B will be designated for you to write a 150 word blog, reflecting on professional learning experience from PPE 4 completed that week, using the SAO acronym. The SAO acronym stands for Situation, Action and Outcome. The acronym is used for reflective practice as reflection is a process of recalling experiences in order to evaluate what has occurred and why, and learns from the experience (Dempsey, Hillege & Hill 2014).

During the reflection you must use at least TWO academic references less than 5 years old with a total of 5 different references used over the course of the 4 reflections. In addition, during these weeks you are required to access the PPE 4 learning outcomes and Codeof Professional Conduct for Nurses in Australia and link it with a PPE 4 learning objective of your own.

Step 2:
For week 11, you are required to write a 300 word blog, reflecting on your Clinical placement (week 5-10) if you have been on clinical OR the entire semester learning from weeks 1-4 or 10, using the SAO acronym. This reflection must be on one of the following areas:
1. Interactions within a multi disciplinary team
2. Conflict management
3. Interacting with families and patients during times of illness.

N.B For those students who have not yet been on clinical placement you can reflect on the above areas from a previous clinical placement or discuss your experience working within a team environment in the CPU with other stude


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