COM353e: You are a feature journalist with TODAY. Your editor has assigned you to write a human interest feature: Feature Writing Essay, SUSS

Your task:
You are a feature journalist with TODAY. Your editor has assigned you to write a human interest feature story examining how Singaporeans are coping with the uncertain economic outlook.

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Your editor’s brief to you is to humanise this topic through the perspectives and experiences of three Singaporeans of different demographic profiles. These could be, for example, a fulltime university student who is on the cusp of graduation and is concerned about how the uncertain economic outlook could impact his/her job search, or the mother of a young family who is worried about how she would cope with rising costs of living while managing increasing household expenses, or an older blue-collar worker who is worried about not having sufficient savings for retirement.

In order to incorporate a diversity of views, you should ensure a spread of age groups and profiles among the three Singaporeans you interview for this feature story.

You need to demonstrate the ability to effectively use rich media elements to enrich your feature story. Minimally, your feature story needs to be accompanied by at least one appropriate photograph which you have taken of your interviewee/s and hence have the right to use and publish. Please incorporate the photograph/s into your feature story, with appropriate caption/s. Propose a suitable headline for your story, which will be published in the weekend edition of TODAY.

This ECA provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate the ability to translate the conceptual frameworks of feature writing into a finished story and apply an appropriate style and structure in developing the feature story. This ECA, together with your TMA, will provide you with writing samples that allow you to construct a beginning portfolio of completed feature stories.

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